Discussion: Pruitt Under Investigation For Alleged Retaliation Against Employees

Questionable spending and management practices are OK, but complaining about them are not? Ass backwards as always in this administration.


This would signal trouble for Pruitt and Trump, if not for the fact their base loves mean-spirited, retaliatory, spiteful treatment of other human beings.


Are we going to be able to prosecute this guy eventually? I really, really, want to see justice here.


Just remarkable how cocksure this guy is. WH assuring him his job is not in danger? Otherwise, why isn’t he laying low?

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Only the best people…

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Looks to me like the employees who questioned Pruitt’s spending and management practices should have been promoted. They have it exactly right.

who follow the slogan “Be Best”. Now we know how the word best has been redefined in Trumpworld.

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Another day, another Pruitt scandal. He needs to be criminally prosecuted, badly.

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So perhaps Pruitt is just an empty suit? Ryan is the power behind the tiny little throne Pruitt sits on?

Pruitt is just another strutting peacock, a flock of which has infested our government, a peacock that is more than happy to reap the benefits of this criminal conspiracy.

Either way, lock him up.

Trump is acting toward Pruitt the way Putin acts toward trump.

The goal is to maximize demoralization and disruption, whether at the white house or the epa.

In this administration, Pruitt’s actions would be grounds for advancement. After all, to Trump, the most important quality in an employee is loyalty to the employer - and that means loyalty to him, not the public. In his view, there’s no reason for public servants - only private lackeys.

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I didn’t actually realize it until recently but even agency heads can be impeached by Congress…so if they really wanted to, they could do it and they don’t have to wait for that Bozo in the White House to fire him. Its time for the press to ask GOP Congress members why they aren’t taking that into account considering the number of scandals and flat out crimes he’s committed. Any day now, people…We’re waiting.

At the federal level, Article Two of the United States Constitution states in Section 4 that “The President, Vice President, and all civil Officers of the United States shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other High Crimes and Misdemeanors.”


The best. The very best. Drain the swamp. Uh yeah.


There’s speculation he’s being held in reserve for AG when Fat Nixon fires Sessions since Pruitt wouldn’t have to stand again for Senate confirmation. He wouldn’t need to recuse himself from Russia matters and no doubt would fire Rosenstein and then Mueller at FN’s order without hesitation. As scary as Sessions is, Pruitt running a law enforcement agency is truly terrifying, although there’s the malevolence tempered by incompetence thing that pervades this administration from top to bottom. Let’s just hope that the heat of 13 separate investigations sends him back to OK before shithead can pull the lever on that, although so far he seems impervious to any of it.


I’d prefer to see him criminally prosecuted, competently, but in this case, the trail of evidence is so abundant and the crimes so flagrant that even a bad prosecutor would have a hard time screwing it up.

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Well let’s be sure to dish up plenty of that to everyone who enabled this rot. No quarter for Trumpies, never mind not eating out, let’s make them afraid to even order a fucking pizza. I wanna bring such a shit-rain down on the deplorables that they’ll beg to have their stupid Wall torn down so they can flee to Mexico.

I’ve heard that mentioned a lot as well, but how do they get around the Senate confirmation? I would think that the double whammy of firing Sessions (who somehow still enjoys support in the Senate) and replacing him with Pruitt (who even James Inhofe can’t defend now) would be a non-starter for the Senate. Does he get by on his prior confirmation for EPA? I can’t imagine that’s the case (given that they’re entirely different jobs/portfolios).

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I agree! Just dismissing Pruitt so he can go back to Oklahoma or become another lobbyist is not enough. The man needs to be prosecuted.

Did the Democrats suddenly take over the house and (coincidentally) get a 2/3 majority in the Senate? I must have missed that.

Don’t get me wrong; I’d like to see him under the guillotine as much as any other rational person. I suspect that even IF Democrats win both the house and senate in November, they’re going to have bigger fish to fry than a former Oklahoma secretary of state who’s obviously in 'way over his head.