Thugs and mobsters. Every single one of them. If they weren’t corrupt they would have no qualities whatsoever.
How much you want to bet that Pascuale “Nino” Perrotta is involved up to the gills in the AMI Trump Hush Money Payments and the Russian Hacking? His moonlighting disclosure/application says he consults for two or three clients on cybersecurity. Uh huh…
Who will publish the Pecker Papers???
I am willing to believe it but that doesn’t mean either one of us has proof.
Has anyone asked Stormy whether his face is familiar?
Somebody needs to show his picture to Stormy Daniels, stat.
Told you so… Me on April 17:
Hard to say, but I’m sure eventually we’ll get the long and short of it.
Read [][1]
to get a full bio of Nino, including these descriptions of our hero:
• Nino also worked closely with the Italian authorities on fraud, financial and cybercrime investigations with global implications. … collaborated with the Italian Finance Police; (Guardia di Finanza)
• Nino obtained the trust and confidence of senior ranking officials in the Bulgarian Ministry of Interior.
• Nino leveraged this success along with his strong interpersonal skills towards the establishment of a mutually cooperative and beneficial relationship between Romania and the Secret Service
Hey Nino, was it you threatening Stormy Daniels? Maybe a coworker?
Hey, doesn’t everyone have close ties with Eastern European secret police? I know I do!
It’s goodfellas all the way down…
Happy to see the press reporting on all this corruption, but much of it is still normalizing the orange idiot. One thing that really bothers me is his repeated lie that Obama administration gave $1.5 billion to Iran without anyone in media correcting him and saying that it was just their money being returned to them. Yes, I do see it in print, but that’s not enough, the press corps needs to (has to, it’s their duty) to call him out in person over such overt lies. Most people I know (and not Trump supporters) believe that President Obama awarded Iran with that money for no reason at all. There is a reason why they got it in cash as well. I guess, my anger is directed at the media which continues to cover the orange the same way as when he was just a candidate. He’s a pathological liar and needs to be treated as such.
He may be a corrupt jerk. But the comments on this thread so far are the sort of thing that really fuel the whole “stereotypes against white ethnics are a real thing!” narrative. Most politicians run some kind of patronage operation and Nino Perrota could be named George Washington and it wouldn’t make a difference to his behavior, but it would make a difference to the terms people are using to characterize him. Stay classy TPM comment threads!
How much tolerance do we now have for this clearly questionable behavior?Why are the members of Congress so toothless in rectifying obvious malfeasance .Pruitt would have been toast in any legitimate administration…that he remains in office is beyond disgraceful but indicative of where we are today.
Sounds like the stories of fantabulist feats ascribed to Sater’s undercover work for the feds.
Clearly, Pruitt has something hide. Why else the “secure phone booth” and the office scans?
The Koch Bros. prefer him, and Trump owes the Kochs. They are all Koch suckers.
I’m sure this would have nothing to do with the mystery of Trump keeping Pruitt on even as he ramps up his scandal-a-day initiative… Just another little coincidence, like all the Russians members of the Trump campaign kept bumping into.