Discussion: Protestors At Dick Cheney's Anti-Iran Deal Speech: 'Why Should We Listen To You?'

At Dailykos this morning, a link: White House fights back. This is Good!

Cheney wrong on Iraq


He was against it before he was for it.
Things changed when he could make a buck off of it.



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His speech slammed President Obama’s Iran deal, arguing, “The results may be catastrophic.”

OK so what is Cheney’s alternative?
Nothing? Then the Iranians are free to build a bomb an the sanctions will fall away anyway.
A deal of his own? Let’s hear it… (crickets)
So the Darth Dickus, Sith Lord, That means you have nothing constructive to offer … only criticism.
How quaint

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Schmear is a lovely topping for a sweet cake. But I know what ya mean. There’s nothing human remaining in that fleshly lump calling itself Dick Cheney.

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Cheney should listen to himself. Nail his feet to the floor and force his eyes open a la “Clockwork Orange” style until he admits his complicity in the Iraq war. A little “enhanced interrogation”, perhaps?


Was that a “PUNKS FOR DICK” meeting?
Resort to violence, even in a conference room: so American Enterprise Instititute.
A Right Wing “Think Tank”, that’s what the American Enterprise Institute is.
So, much for Right Wing Thinking.
What a pathetic bunch of fear monger, paranoid old farts.


If they do anything to build a bomb the Israelis or the Americans would bomb them. Of course, that would just force them underground and they would get their bomb sooner than later. To stop the Iranians from building a bomb we have to 1) invade them and hold their country captive for the indefinite future, or 2) cut a deal with them that will protect them from their neighbors or at least allow them to protect themselves conventionally. The nuclear deal is a step toward number 2).

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I agree. But I was asking what Cheney’s alternative is and he hasn’t got one other than a nuclear war.


He admits that. He will fight the Iranians to the last drop of our children’s blood. Or course, his kids don’t have to go to war.


I don’t think I’d want Liz Cheney in my platoon.


That’s what happens under a capitolist system.
“War is a Racket” Gen. Smedley Butler


keep hoping he will be tried for the crimes against humanity he has committed. Either that or hit by a bus in DC. Either works for me.


Was that Toby from “The Office”?

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Dick Cheney is a vile human building who should be in prison for war crimes.




War. Same as always.

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Vile? Check.
War criminal? Check.
Human? Two out of three ain’t bad.


Shit, they are probably still protesting the, "Iraq Deal’. The list of reasons to protest Cheney is long and very undistinguished. He needs to hear this every time that he crawls out from wherever it is that he crawls out from, just like Rumsfeld and all of them do.

Guess why Dummy Bush stays hidden and why the Republicans have an unwritten gag order when it comes to mentioning the Dick/George years.