Wouldn’t make a bit of difference. He’d just look the reporter straight in the eye and say “I never said that.”
Correction: This fuck lied us into war to make a profit for himself.
He was his corporate master.
…because $$$$$$$$$
Think Halliburton and low oil prices.
He does have an awful lot of stock in Halliburton, among other war profiteers.
Peace is not profitable.
He would be totally safe in Israel.
“The results may be catastrophic”
God, I hate that sentence. You could, quite literally, say this about anything - if the results aren’t catastrophic, well, you never said for certain that they would be. If something bad does happen, you can say “I told you so”.
Cheney figured this one out years ago, and nobody to my knowledge has called him out on it. Somebody should. He’s a disaster-vulture - he’s waiting for something bad to happen, so he can jump out of the shadows and say “Told ya so!”. Its sickening.
Yes, but at least he has a heart now. He doesn’t/can’t use it for anything beyond pumping blood, but we know fersure fersure he’s got one.
For Cheney to come out and be, well, himself…could a stronger argument for passing the deal have been made at this hour?
Shit always smirks, it’s in its nature.
We can take consolation in the fact that Dick Cheney almost certainly won’t be around to say “I told you so” even if things go reasonably well.
<“The results may be catastrophic.”
WEll, you’d know, Chickenhawk.
And if anyone can give advice that will result in catastrophe, it’s Cheney.
Cheney’s ongoing warmongering reminds me how every one of Bush’s speeches were highly orchestrated affairs, sympathetic audiences carefully screened to eliminate any dissent, or were designed to hide from the public any presence of protestors. If any slipped in, they were quickly strong-armed to the exits or arrested. Dubya spent most of his years in office giving speeches almost exclusively in front of soldiers as a backdrop to make Bush look like he was supposed to be Ike Eisenhower or something. And of course, no one could see the country bringing home our war dead during all those years because it reflected poorly on the draft dodgers in the WH that sent them off to those wars…For some reason their honor had to be shielded from the public for their ultimate service and last devotion to their country.
I will never fondly miss those days and I suspect most people in this country won’t either. Cheney reminds this country every day he opens his big fat trap how much worse it could get with his kind back in the White House.
Sort of like “the smoking gun in the form of a mushroom cloud” kind of rhetoric. It never ceases to amaze me how many times these Cheneys and Bushies run this same shit past the American people and still expect to be taken seriously. Like the little boy that cried wolf.
The fact that Richard “Five Deferments” Cheney is still sucking air—with another man’s heart that should have gone to somebody far more deserving no less—is proof to me that the arc of the universe that used to bend toward justice ain’t bending that way any more.
His speech slammed President Obama’s Iran deal, arguing, “The results may be catastrophic.”
He’s certainly an expert on catastrophes. He engineered the biggest one since the Vietnam war.
He bears an uncanny resemblance to the KY martyr, KimDavis.
Just stick a ratty long brown polyester wig on him .
“He either smirks or sneers.”
Mostly he does both at the same time. I call it his smeer, especially apropos of him because “smeer” is a slight misspelling of “smear” which was also the way he screwed over political opponents.