Discussion: Protesters Greet McConnell Outside Closed-Door Event For 2nd Day In A Row

Holy shit! Rumor has it, that after paying for all this activism and demonstrating, George Soros is now going to use 1040 EZ and claim earned income credit


Every day until the smug is wiped off his face.


Sadly that will be the election day that he’s ousted, which is probably never. He knows these protesters are still the minority in his state. Most Kentuckians have been rather bluntly mis-educated to vote against their own best interests for well over a half century now, if not longer.

That’s it, Bitch McCornhole, people who have massive concerns about an orange baboon destroying the world are simply upset the election was lost. Fuck you, Yertle the Turtle.


if a turtle is withdrawn into it’s shell and a tree falls in the forest can it still hear it?

"The losers have accepted their fate and gone out and tried to get ready for the next election and come back. That’s the way it works in this country.”

Mitch, I’d like you to meet the First Amendment to the United States Constitution:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

It appears you two have never met. Maybe you should get acquainted.


One definition of evil holds that it is “the exercise of political power - that is, the imposition of one’s will upon others by overt or covert coercion - in order to avoid spiritual growth.” One could argue that McConnell would be an appropriate example of that definition.

Nice try, Turtle. The reason we protest against you is because you don’t have the backbone to do what MUST be done to remove this imposter from office.

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But in this country, every four years since Washington was sworn into
his second term in 1793, we’ve had an orderly transition of power.

Doesn’t he mean every three years?

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Donnie isn’t an imposter; He’s a fool and in need of a mental hygiene expert.

McConnell: “Don’t disturb me. I’m having a closed door meeting.”


Awwwwww. He hears it , but chooses to ignore it…

Drowning in a puddle of his own hubris. I’m counting on history to be very unkind.