Discussion: Protester Shot During Second Night Of Violent Protests In Charlotte

What would the protesters do if the police didn’t form a wall and push them somewhere? I just really don’t understand by what pushes things to this point?

Edit: Interesting reading comments under a Huffpost story on this with a lot of folks asking what MLK Jr. would say about the violence and someone posted what he did say;

“It is not enough for me to stand before you tonight and condemn riots. It would be morally irresponsible for me to do that without, at the same time, condemning the contingent, intolerable conditions that exist in our society. These conditions are the things that cause individuals to feel that they have no other alternative than to engage in violent rebellions to get attention. And I must say tonight that a riot is the language of the unheard.”~~ MLK

And my big question here was if the police quit forming walls and pushing folks would that help reduce the people need to resort to violence?


This may come from the crap that the N.C. has been legislating for the last four years, it may be that Mr. Scott being shot is the last straw that these people can not carry, it may be that what we are seeing is the same frustration that turns working class white voters to Trump is awakening the fear of the police, the denial of voting rights, the stagnate wages for working class people, and the second in two days reports of a black man being shot by police, 1 on OK and the Mr. Scott in NC.

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The week (so far) in police shootings:

Dylann Roof wasn’t able to start a race war, but the police can.


McCrory just proved the protesters complaint - he essentially said that the protester’s are neither citizens or police.

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At one point, a protester knocked over a CNN reporter. CNN’s Ed Lavandara said that the protester later apologized for knocking him to the ground.

Sorry. This is serious, but I had to laugh. That’s so North Carolina.

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I think the cops just like playing dress up in all the ‘riot’ gear and going off on the non-white sections of the public.

Their presence only exacerbates the problems.


Yea that’s my thinking, some cops are use it as an excuse to push the protesters over the edge. Seems similar to firemen that are arsonist.

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The cops shoot to kill on the ‘presumption’ that someone is intent on harming them but there is never a shot fired in the cops direction and usually no gun.
When the inevitable protests come, the cops get to go back out and beat down the very same people that they shoot dead because of their built in and convenient fear.
Which gives them reason to start harming their victims all over again and claim righteousness.

It works out well for the cops anyways, the public and the community-not so much.

When someone fires sorta-kinda-not-probably-lethal bullets at you, plus tear gas, you’re supposed to stop, lie down and say “Please, sir, may I have another?”

Somehow the protest “turned violent”.

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Police tactics are primarily aimed at forcing people to show them respect. Being respected trumps everything else in the minds of police. They can only tolerate people if they can dominate them. It is institutional insanity on the police side.

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These are not protesters, they are rioters. And they are doing so much more harm than good.

What was the point of violence and rioting? And always before we have all the facts. (NC and it’s GOP leadership bear some blame for the law they just passed, but we might not have the video yet anyway).

Not all police shootings are created equal, and protesting like they are is counterproductive.

another civilian

What are the chances of an ID here?

Interesting listening to my conserative co-workers take on all this.