Discussion: Protester Removed From SCOTUS Courtroom After Anti-Gay Rant

Discussion for article #235776

Hey, Tony, if you thought that was cool, there’s a whole plaza full of folks outside who’d love a gallery seat.


Probably was Scalia’s “Anger Translator.”


Actually that rant will probably help the cause, hopefully a few more nuts will show up. It only will take one of the five conservative justices to say “I’m not with those nuts” to win. Frankly I think it goes 6-3 in favor of gay marriage.


I’m not making any wagers on how this will turn out, but I agree that about 6 or 7 of the 9 Supremes can tell the difference between the 14th Amendment’s equal justice clauses and the bigotry taught by silly 2000-3000 year old religious texts.


Agreed. I think Kennedy and Roberts will both rule for gay marriage. That leaves Thomas, Scalia, and Alito to scurry off and soothe their wounded pride in a totally hetero way.

As a side note, while I am not a big fan of Roberts’ positions, I have to say that I do think he is doing a good job running the court. And he has not been as repugnant as I thought he would be upon appointment. Alito on the other hand…


So, that’s what a Sincerely Held Religious Belief looks like! Very interesting!


Aaaaaah, no wonder Faux News reported it as simply “protesters” and that they were escorted out and made no mention of what they spewed.


Who does he think he is? Hobby Lobby?


Even though Kennedy was talking about thousands of year old traditions, he seemed to leave out the parts plainly stated in the Jewish and Christian Bible, about a man having many wives, and how daughters could be sold off to the highest bidders. Those traditions existed in Biblical days, (and still exist in some places in the world today). He left that part out. Also, it’s not as if Kennedy hasn’t seen tens of thousands of people enjoy the rights and privileges of marriage to a same sex partner, here in the USA over the last 11 years and in Canada and much of Europe. To my knowledge, no Earthquake nor Typhoon nor any other most horrible act of God happened anywhere on the planet simply as a result of people marrying the person they love. Those events have been going on well before we were lesser formed apes millions of years ago. My wager is that Kennedy can see that, too.


I wonder if I got up in the middle of arguments and screamed that it was a “horrible mistake to let those damn dirty Mafia wops from Italy into the country” whether Tony would think it was “refreshing.”


Well I’m sure that helped the bigot-brigade’s cause.

(wry grin)

So is the attorneys trying to argue the bans should stay going to quietly toss Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine’s amicus brief that somehow gays and lesbians don’t need protections anymore?


You know, I’m not a Biblical Scholar (and obviously neither was the screaming idiot) but I seem to have missed all of the Biblical admonitions against same-sex marriage.


Hey, Scalia: Separation of Church and State.
Look it up sometime.
Keep your “GOD” out of MY Government.


Definitely, Roberts is a reasonable Republican. He’s the type who if he was a Senator would make deals with the other side, etc. Not a divisive guy. I can deal with a guy who has differing opinions on some issues as long as he is not pig headed or clueless (Thomas, Scalia, Alito). Imagine if one of them was Chief Justice? Scary. If the court goes liberal again, having Roberts as the Chief Justice will be quite tolerable. We need to get used to it anyway, unless he has more health issues, he will be Chief Justice for a long time.


After the protester was removed from the courtroom, Justice Antonin
Scalia quipped about the interruption, “It was rather refreshing,

I wonder if Scalia would have thought it was refreshing if a protester against the Citizens United ruling had started ranting at him that Supreme Court Justices who claimed money is speech would burn in Hell.


I used the think Roberts was reasonable too and perhaps in time he will moderate a bit. However, I think he is more stealth than reasonable. He lied his ass off about stare decisis during his confirmation hearing and I’ll never forget the smirk on his face when he did so.


To my knowledge, no Earthquake nor Typhoon nor any other most horrible
act of God happened anywhere on the planet simply as a result of people
marrying the person they love.

Ha! Wait until the “protestors” tell you The Truth about Nepal.

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Keep your “GOD” out of MY Government.

And keep your jesus off my penis!

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God, Scalia is an ass. I have to be at an event with him in a few weeks. I wonder if he would find a rant by me equally refreshing?