Discussion for article #224140
The plot thickens.
- Everyone does it.
- The rules are too complex to follow.
3)The people responsible have been fired. - BENGHAZIIIIIIIII!!! (but not that new guy they caught)
Gov. Walker – David Koch calling…
Little Scottie seems to have crapped in his mess kit.
I thought a bought and sold judge had shut down the investigation. I am sure I read that here at TPM
The Judge (a Walker donor and ally) tried, but the Court of Appeals slapped him down.
The only thing worse than crooks are stupid crooks. Perhaps Scotty should have finished college, if only to learn how to be a better crook.
It’s really hard to buy good judges these days.
“Friends of Scott Walker (FOSW) … Citizens for a Strong America, Inc. (CFSA), Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce, Inc. (WMC) and Wisconsin Manfacuturers (sic) & Commerce-Issues Mobilization Council (WMC-IMC), and Wisconsin Club for Growth (WiCFG)”
They left out Greater Racine Industrialists for Fraudulent Transactions (GRIFT), Republicans Allied to Purchase Elections (RAPE), Teapartiers United to Reform our Democratic System (TURDS), and the Federation for Unlimited Coordination of Koch Dollars (FUCKD).
Up to his shady eyes in crime since college, John Birch money is going to be the downfall of Walker.
Please, please, please let this clown end up in jail. And not a nice one, either.
Wouldn’t it be nice if Rove finally took the fall ala OJ Simpson? I think weasel Walker will puddle and throw everyone under the bus. Duck and cover, donors.
So he’ll be in handcuffs, when?
Oh right, never, because election law has less teeth than a frog with bad gums.
Just in the interest of proper spelling, they should rename that last one " Federation for Unlimited Coordination of Koch Elicit Dollars" (FUCKED).
Did anyone mention that the former GOP DA; Stephen Biskupic offered a plea deal to Walker? Who offers that if you are innocent, especially a politician. Keep it in the news, almost as good as a conviction.
what I love is that i read i think, in the hoffington post that karl roves is also implicated And god i hope the koch brothers were leading the way.
Oh schadenfreude,
Oh schadenfreude,
How joyful is thy presence.