Build that wall!
451 items of “no there, there!” Can’t wait to see Manafort fall.
I guess you can never have too many feet of rope.
Well, trial #1 of how many? is on its way…
I’m guessing Gates is quite happy his lawyers recommended him to cooperate at this point.
Many people are saying it is very large, very powerful rope. Strong rope. So much rope Paul will get tired of rope!
I bet he’s given a sufficient amount of it, too.
the President of the United
States was elected the President of the United States. with a Campaign manager. doing business as a lobbyist working with the Russia KBG. making enormous sums of money hiding the money from the United States IRS while he was the Campaign manager!!!. Trump supporters who are traitors yawn
Smart. Very smart.
No way they didn’t have this evidence for a while now. And adding it at the last minute is smart.
This is the ONLY campaign-related issue the judge is allowing to be talked about in this trial. And it is the one that proves a connection between the Russians, Trump campaign, and quid pro quo.
Manafort agreed to get a job in the Trump admin for the banker who signed off on the loan. Just because he didn’t follow through, doesn’t mean there wasn’t fraud.
an email with the subject line “Nervousness is setting in.”
Also included were gallons of sweat collected from Manafort, his wife and numerous associates.
Paul Manafort, the 2018 Poster Boy for “Failure to Cooperate.”
Has anyone seen any breakdowns of the list?
I would love to know how many of the items are original financial documents, i.e., “witnesses who can’t be cross examined.”
the purchase of Yankees season tickets
That alone makes Manafort highly suspect!
a photograph of the outdoor kitchen at one of Manafort’s homes,
I don’t understand what is the point of showcasing all the particulars of Manafort’s lavish lifestyle.
The argument isn’t that he’s wealthy, it’s that his wealth is ill-gotten. Right? Or is the defense going to argue that Manafort only has $8 to his name?
Manafort worked for Trump for free, I tell ya, for free! He was so smitten with the foreign policy chops of PP that he threw all caution to the wind! He risked exposure of his years of sleazy operations and tax evasion to work for…what exactly?
This is the shoe that Mueller will drop. The trial is about the money. But the strategy is to begin to show how and why Manafort was dispatched by his employers to Trump’s campaign organization.
PSA (just wanted to share this - where it will be seen, until an item shows up.) Senator Flake - flakes out on GOP big-time (at least for now)
If the kitchen came from a home renovation that used ill-gotten funds or money from a fraudulent bank loan that was basically laundering money, then I suspect that the prosecution would underline the issue in a concrete way with a photo.
The argument, in a tax evasion case, is surely that his spending is vastly inconsistent with his reported/taxed income.