Discussion: Prosecutors: McDonnells Got Secret Gifts From More Than Just One Donor

Discussion for article #224287

Hello??? Secret gifts are SECRET!


Oh heck, looks like he’s FUUUUUUKT.

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…silver lining : they are not a witch…

Well… maybe the golddigger wife

Phew, good thing it’s not tied to the Jonnie Williams case… that would be unseemly!

P.S. TPM, it appears this story needed to be proofread a bit more carefully before posting…

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That picture continues to sum it right the f*ck up, dudn’t it?

oh it must have been a great trip!

Is it ‘A GIFT’ or ‘A BRIBE’? The generous man got a kickback within one month of the so-called ‘GIFT’. or, Is it another example of Republican’s austerity?

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Until I see a handcuffed perp walk or an orange jumpsuit I don’t buy it.


According to the R-A-T-S on the Supreme Court, money is free speech particularly if politicians or corporations are involved. Isn’t bribery free speech and therefore completely legal especially if a conservative christianical politician is involved? Nobody gets hurt and everybody wins in bribery.

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He may have been able to weasel out of the major stuff…but having been Attorney General does not help one bit.

Unfortunately, I think you’re right.

Yes, the picture says it all. I am thinking of a quote that goes something like “How far the mighty can fall!” (or maybe “Pride is the root of evil.”)

I was just thinking of an analogy for rich folks that would capture the fear that a poor family feels when a costly illness threatens to sink them for good. This story might just be it.

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Lady Macbeth was a greedy weasel. Probably still is. I wonder if he or she will flip on the other.

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“Choices are made in brief seconds and paid for in the time that remains.
Paolo Giordano,”


“…just one of many…”

Well you can knock me over with a feather!