In the MAGA world this is justice. Glad I don’t live in Texas.
Because, Texas. It’s full of corrupt elected officials (I give you: Greg Abbott, Dan Patrick, Ken Paxton).
But some of us do live here. There are different kinds of people everywhere and not everybody gets to luxuriate in blue enclaves.
“Law enforcement officials took the extraordinary step of arresting 177 bikers after the shooting, then charged 155 of them with engaging in organized criminal activity. Many were held on a $1 million bond.”
If this was Bloods, Crips, MS-13 or whatever, there’d be 177 people going to jail after being refused bail and everyone knows it. This is fucking ridiculous and it’s precisely because it’s TX…and we all know why.
Is there a way to send all of them and their Harleys to Thunderdome armed with chainsaws and just let them go at each other? 177 bikers enter, no bikers leave.
Not trying to paint everyone there with the same brush.
That’s good to hear.
It is easy to do when the bad of us can paint a very loud portrait.
Former DA Reyna ® has some baggage. Johnson (D) replaced him.
Former Reyna assistants Dillon, Davis and Jarrett and longtime office manager Contreras met with an FBI agent in August 2014 to discuss what they alleged was Reyna’s penchant for giving favorable treatment to his friends and financial supporters. Davis described the result as a two-tiered justice system.
Out just in time to provide security for the Stones’ 50th Anniversary Altamont Commemorative Concert, if Mick recovers in time…
Dude, it’s Waco.
We don’t call it Wacko for no reason.
The prosecution fucked this whole thing up unmercifully.
There is a state court of appeals in Waco. One of 14. When I worked for the 5th in Dallas, we all exchanged opinions at the end of every week. It was always partly in order to stay consistent. One court always was way out in the ozone and nobody could figure out what the hell they were doing. It was the court in Waco.
A few days ago when charges were dropped against black/gay actor Jesse Smollett, Trump felt the urge to decry the decision and say he was going to ask the FBI to look into the matter.
Does anyway want to take a bet that he has nothing to say about the charges being dropped in a case where 9 people died?
Eagerly awaiting the cries of outrage and disgust of this terrible miscarriage of injustice and obviously corrupt and improper exercise of prosecutorial discretion. Rahm? Donald? Fox and Friends dribblers? Feel free to chime in.
You mean, minus the 154 the cops would have shot on sight when they showed up.
ETA: (Allowing for an error margin of 23 b/c the cops would run out of bullets/only wing a few of them)
Yeah, I know.
My favorite Waco story–which I think is actually true–is the one about the first mayor of Waco and the local bishop. That one’s hilarious, in a gallows humor kind of way.
Exactly. Jussie got off, these guys should get off. /s
He will say nothing, cause no gay, black dude was involved.
Oh hell.
Now you can’t set that up and not follow through with the story!
Yeah, lets move on.