Discussion: Prosecutor: Woman 'Purposely' Drove Car Into Oklahoma Parade Crowd, Killing 4

Discussion for article #242207

More Domestic Terrorism! Did Governor Mary Fallin USE THE WORD “TERRORISM” when she described it? DID SHE??? What church does she go to? Was she a Fallin voter! We need to have a COMMISSION!


Bloody hell, this just doesn’t make any sense. I read somewhere that she worked until midnight on Friday and was sent home from work Saturday morning because they thought she was on drugs. Maybe someone should’ve driven her home.


This is false. She was at homecoming Friday night with her family.

How about a little compassion for someone that is probably suffering from a mental illness?

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Let’s see how many of the injured survive…

Mental illness has been a buzzword for decades…after Ronnie emptied the mental institutions.

Prison is where mentally deranged folks end up these days… and which party wants to privatize prisons?

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There seem to be a lot of conflicting accounts.


Why does the number of fatalities change her mental state? And the rest of your post makes little sense. Mental illness is less of a real thing because Ronnie emptied mental institutes?


You’re correct. It doesn’t change her mental state…

The GOTP (aided and abetted by the NRA) have used mental illness as an excuse for violent deaths. They’d rather build and privatize prisons rather than spend money on mental health facilities.

Reagan is their hero…Does that clarify anything for you?

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More mindless and savage violence by out-of-control whites.

When will the lawless white race get its crazed minions under control?

Where are the parents of these little hoodrat white thugs?


You people are awful. I’m from Stillwater. This happened next to campus where I worked. I know people that got hurt and their kids.

And based on apparently no information you have to make this political. Trying to score political points off of a disturbed woman killing and injuring innocent people. The left has it fill of jerks too.

Do you have any information that you’d like to share that disputes the picture that this is a woman with serious mental issues?

I’m sorry for your loss, even though you apparently haven’t lost anything personally.

I’m also sorry your snark detector is broke. Replace “white” with “black” in my post and you’ll hopefully figure out it’s the same post that hundreds, if not thousands of internet assholes make ANY TIME there is a tragedy involving a black person accused.


Her father, Floyd Chambers, said she had been a patient at two mental hospitals several years ago. He did not elaborate on her condition, adding, “she was very good about hiding her problems.”


…She was very good about hiding her problems because she didn’t want the family to worry about her, and she kept to herself about things like that…

A big part of true mental illness, in my uneducated opinion, is an internal fight to try to act normal and not expose your strange thoughts. Very similar in my mind to people with physical illness issues trying to act like they are healthy nor let people know of their illness.


“Her boyfriend, Jesse Gaylord, said Chambers had difficulty sleeping and only got an hour or two of sleep before leaving for work Saturday morning.”
My bet is on AMBIEN causing a delusional mental break. That shit is dangerous and should be pulled off the market.


Unless she can lay her hands on $100,000. or so she’s in jail to stay until trial where a fight will ensue regarding her mental capacity. The victims as always will remain victims .


And, I believe Jimtoday’s comment was snark…

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She told us that Chambers worked last night and then this morning, while her father indicated that Adacia went out for Homecoming festivities.

Maybe it’s time we beef up our parade routes with more than wooden sawhorses and barricades we can drive around. We never know when someone mentally ill, have evil intent, is well past the age they should be driving, being in a REALLY bad mood or simply pulling a Laura Bush might decide to take a drive.

Obviously the primary fault is with the driver here - but she’s an example we shouldn’t have nice things like parade routes that are not protected by solid jersey barriers