I’ve been meaning to give em a donation.
I hope they also send him a link to the LA Times editorial from yesterday and today…only changing Trump’s name for Spicers. Just another pathological little liar.
Now that’s how you do it!
In cartoon parlance Wiley E. Coyote just had the anvil land on him.
Sean Spicer: "“Just because a left-wing blog makes the point of something changing doesn’t mean it actually happened.”
Just because Spicey says anything does necessarily mean its true. More likely, it is entirely false.
Spice boy’s eyes glazed over by the time this first statement was finished:
“1/ So @seanspicer just called us a “left-wing blog.” Since we’re actually in the biz of facts, we figured we’d respond w/ a few…”
I don’t imagine for a second that his mind was changed.
Fucking epic. MORE PLEASE!!! THAT is the vaccination we need. I can only hope that the rest take a fucking clue from this.
No, but a bit more of the pubic may have changed their mind.
@seanspicer, delete your account.
I wonder when the time will come with print media having a column on the left with what Spiceboi said and then a column on the right with the true facts of what he tried to evade?
Wabbit season…
The only thing that ProPublica omitted was ending with MIC DROP. love it. I had my ProPublica shirt on today; We're not shutting up.
If you switch which column goes where, I’m with you. These days, seems like nothing on the right is factual.
Unfortunately, like Wile E. Coyote, he’ll be back tomorrow, undeterred and spouting the same old bullshit.
Them are facts, Jack.
The Washington Post has done that in the past with Trump press conferences.