Discussion: Promises But No Consensus Plan From Republicans To Stop Family Separations


Hey, it’s a tough decision between innocent kids and the deplorable base you need for reelection. Give these guys a break!


These people are as vapid as their commander-in-chief.


Promises, promises
I’m all through with promises, promises now
I don’t know how I got the nerve to walk out
If I shout, remember I feel free…

Oh, promises, their kind of promises, can just destroy a life
Oh, promises, those kind of promises, take all the joy from life
Oh, promises, promises, my kind of promises
Can lead to joy and hope and love

Burt Bacharach said it best, via Dionne Warwick.

I wouldn’t take these promises to the nearest dumpster if the dumpster were already on fire.


“If the problem is no longer there, the Congress will definitely not act
to solve a future problem,” Sen. Roy Blunt (R-MO) said. “If you want to
solve the problem, the pressure of trying to get families and kids back
together in the shortest period of time is probably the kind of dynamic
we need.”

So kidnapping and extortion IS the plan.


If only the Republicans were in charge of Congress and the White House, they wouldn’t be so powerless.


“I would like to get a little bit more time” on immigration, he told reporters. “It’s not easy, but we can handle it if we have enough time to do it,” Hatch said. “I mean, we’ve only been working on immigration since, what … the George W. Bush administration, maybe before. Give us some time and we’ll get it done.”


In an interview with the NYT stephen miller defended his policy of arresting asylum seekers with children by saying suppose you gave a pass to every one caught speeding who had a child in the back seat. But he didn’t carry his example to the proper conclusion. It should have finished, suppose that if someone is caught speeding with a child in the back seat the child is removed from the family immediately. Before trial, before even arraignment. And whereabouts of the child is “misplaced”. Do we really think that would stop people from speeding?
These “people” are seriously fucked up.


Procedural question

ProPublica obtained an audio recording from a U.S. Customs and Border Protection facility in which children recently separated from their families can allegedly be heard crying for their parents.

Can we get this into the Congressional Record?


No one ever accused blunt of thinking before speaking.


Give the GOP a break! They can come up with something… like they did after 8 years of planning the replacement of the ACA. That went well. Or what about their efforts to fill a SCOTUS seat… that only took about two years.
C’mon, admit it. These GOP guys are great planners and implementers. And now that they control the House, the Senate and the 'Playpen" formerly known as the White House… there is no reason that they can not fix this in a single day.

OK GOP - Step into the batter’s box.


The reality is that a fair number of Americans are enjoying this.


“There’s no reason to dilly-dally,” Cornyn told reporters Tuesday. “But there is reason to dilly-dilly…”

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And if there is some agreement reached in Congress that Trump can sign, it will validate kidnapping children as a political negotiating tool.


If Stephen Miller wasn’t working in the White House he would be out there killing women because "involuntarily abstinence ". Just look at his eyes, pure evil.


<… Sen. Roy Blunt (R-MO) said. “If you want to solve the problem, the pressure of trying to get families and kids back together in the shortest period of time is probably the kind of dynamic we need.”>

In other words, we should keep torturing children until we get what we want. Evil.


But no! The GOP never negotiates with terrorists. And Donald Trump is most clearly a terrorist.


As long as Steven Miller is running immigration policy, nothing will get done. Unless, of course, the bill requires immediately expulsion of anyone with a foreign sounding name.

We need the midterms to sort out this fiasco as Trump has stubbornly tripled down on breathtaking racism and gratuitous cruelty.


One question is will Schumer and Pelosi sign on to “partial” wall funding which Trump will likely insist.

Come on folks, let’s be charitable. Some Republicans said they disagree with their leader’s policy of kidnapping and imprisoning babies and kids. They are all now cowering in fear over getting mean tweets from Dear Leader. That means they lack the time to do their jobs to stop this policy, amirite?