Good for you Steve…
Now convince about 100,000 of your buddies in PA, WI and MI…
I welcome Mr. Schmidt to the #CoalitionOfAllDemocraticForces with open arms. When this nightmare is over, we can go back to disagreeing over policy like sane adults.
I always thought Schmidt had a brain, didn’t agree with his politics, but at least he wasn’t bat sh&t insane. My concern is the Republican Party will shrug and say don’t let the door hit ya on the way out. And screaming after him: good riddance you RHINO. The Republican Party today is too far gone and needs to die the same death as all authoritarian parties.
Schmidt is the advisor who recommended Sarah Palin to John McCain, and thereby foisted her on the national stage.
If it took him this long to finally drop the GOP, why should anyone care?
Although folks on this thread will disagree, this guy is responsible for a lot of the atmosphere we are forced to breathe now. He needs to work really hard to repent in the form of positive activism. This would include in my opinion making clear how deep and all pervasive, and well funded, the GOP mechanism is. He could be a unique force here. Fox, which in my opinion is an illegal propaganda outfit, is still talking about Hillary’s emails. There are constant conspiracies floated about George Soros. Schmidt could help everyone to understand how we are being taken over by a rabid force that he helped unleash. Steve, do it.
Well said, Steve, and about time. Welcome, and get to work. Deeds, not just words from here on out.
Schmidt and people like him could have helped the GOP adapt to the modern world and enlarge its appeal. But it was led by its reactionary base and chose otherwise, so here we are. A presidential campaign leader so disgusted by his own party he denounces it and joins the other side.
Yep. Shit, I argue with everyone about everything most days. He’ll always be rooted in old-school conservatism. But he’s still a damn American. He gets it.
As far as I can tell from the little TV I see at friends’ houses, he’s been doing exactly that for a very long time. And arguing against your own crowd is not an easy or comfortable thing to do. He’s obviously got a heart, a conscience, and some intellectual integrity. He’s also got knowledge and skills, so he’s like a defector who can be very helpful to us.
Yeah, Steve has some blood on his hands, Palin being the foremost example, but at least he has moral courage to step up unlike a number of his feckless brethen…
Remember, an avalanche can start with the smallest pebble…
Actually Schmidt was not the one who brought Sarah in. Adam Brickley was the guy who foisted her on us.
“Why should we even care if GOP leaders and voters are dumping Trump?” is such a bizarre argument it doesn’t really need to be dismantled piecemeal.
We should care and encourage it. If we are going to take back the House, the Senate and The White House we will need all the help we can get from every quarter. The enemy of my enemy is my friend
Not according to the NYT:
“It was Mr. Schmidt who first championed Sarah Palin as Mr. McCain’s running mate, a bold move, he told Mr. McCain, that could win him the White House. Instead, her selection was widely viewed as one of the most calamitous political judgments in modern presidential politics. By the time Mr. McCain conceded, Mr. Schmidt himself feared that his role in that campaign would leave an indelible scar on his reputation.”
I expect that you have guessed exactly what they’ll say. After all, he comments on MSNBC. Clearly a heretic.
Apostasy! Burn him!
Meanwhile, talk shows are running out of sane people to play the R-part…
I have had a lifelong loathing for the GOP. However desperate times call for desperate measures. If you’re a Republican of good faith and wish to remove Trump, you’re my ally now. Once the children are returned to their parents and Trump and his cohorts are gone, then we can go back our policy fights.
Welcome to the light, Steve. I wondered if you had it in you, and now I know. As others have already said, we can work out our differences later. Right now we have to band together to defeat this threat to our Repubilc. Glad you’re on our side.
The enemy of my enemy isn’t necessarily my friend, but I’ll happily accept his votes when he thinks it best : )
I’ve noticed that. And the ones they do get, look like deer in headlights.