Discussion: Probe: No Evidence To Support Migrant Teens' Detention Center Abuse Claims

staff at the Shenandoah facility are trained in the use of restraint chairs and “mesh spit guards” for “out-of-control residents who cannot be safely restrained by less intrusive methods.”



‘The accused deny it. The victims are not present. What’s the problem?’

Trump Justice in action.


They also described being stripped of their clothes and locked in solitary confinement, sometimes strapped to chairs with bags over their heads.

“Stop your fuckin’ cryin’! You wanna’ cry? I’ll give you something to cry about!”

That ain’t abuse, that’s just old-school parenting… or is it ‘enhanced interrogation’? The line keeps moving so often I get confused.


Now, now. How many of us did not spend the bulk of our teen years strapped to a chair with a bag over our heads? All just a normal part of adolescence.


So what strikes me to core is that the state investigators’ had to recommend hiring more bi-lingual staff. That the state investigators couldn’t interview the complainants. And finally when was the last inspection of the Shenandoah Valley Juvenile Center conducted?


Naked, in a cold concrete room, and not being able to speak our parent(s) language.

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Ward, I think there’s something wrong with the Beaver. I just can’t talk to him!


Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

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I want to know if this was a surprise inspection or a planned inspection with notice where the center could fix any issues.

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The state investigators said they were unable to interview the immigrant teens who made sworn statements saying they were severely abused

So, in short, it was a very thorough investigation. Got it.


They obviously had enough time to transfer the “immigrant teens who made sworn statements saying they were severely abused” so I’m guessing the latter.


So the state standard for abuse is basically pain equivalent to loss of a limb or major organ failure? They don’t even consider having no one on site who can speak the inmates’ language to be abuse.


The state standard sounds exactly like the Bush administration’s definition of torture.

What this center is alleged to be doing to “children detained on administrative immigration charges [who] have not been convicted of any crime” strikes me a criminal child abuse.


So I looked up the Shenandoah Valley Juvenile Center.

From their missions statement

The Mission of Shenandoah Valley Juvenile Center is to provide a safe, secure, and clean environment for youth placed in our temporary care. SVJC will provide an environment with an emphasis on continuing and expanding the youth’s education and providing proper physical and mental health services and support.

Their average population is 48 out of 58 secure beds. This is not a large facility and they can’t control “patients” without stripping them and locking them in a concrete cell?


This headline doesn’t match the content of the article, “no evidence of abuse” != “investigators concluded the harsh treatment described by detainees at the Shenandoah Valley Juvenile Center did not meet the state’s legal threshold of abuse or neglect”

More like Virginia’s abuse laws don’t cover the type of abuse conducted in that detention center.

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They looked behind the potted plants in reception, they looked under the director’s desk, and they confirmed that none of the filing cabinets had a drawer labelled “Severe Abuse.”

What more can you demand from mere mortals?

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