Discussion: 'Princeton Mom' Calls Campus Rape A 'Learning Experience'

Discussion for article #231117

Teatroll Rosetta Stone says: “If we have a darkywoman say it, it makes it ok.”

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No, Mom, people tend to know the difference between a “clumsy hookup” and an assault. The slope gets pretty slippery pretty fast if you keep giving a young woman alcohol, especially if she’s under twenty-one.


There’s only one word for this bitch.

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Morally Superior or should I say Mother Superior

is there a ‘Bad Mother’s Day’ card available from Hallmark? maybe one of those ‘Most horrific Mom of the Year’ coffee cups?


Being on television tends to make stupid people say stupid things. And this is just the way the media prefers it. Cameras and microphones are magic that way.


Yes, it is an experience. So was World War II. So is cancer.

There are some experiences that people shouldn’t have to go through.


Why oh why does this woman get an audience with the media? She developed a self-aggrandizing schtick that is of no more value than a Kardashian. Let’s end her 15 minutes.

How sad has this woman’s life been to be so obsessed with what others think that she abrogates any concept of decency in the service of popularity and personal financial gain.

Does she have daughters?

So, this Princeton Mom, is she the mother of a male Princetonian or a female Princetonian? Wonder if she would be telling a different story if it was her daughter, not her son, telling her about the “drunken sexcapades”.

Heard of her before, basically being an apologist of the “Boys will be Boys” line of mysogeny forgiveness. Wonder if she knows that we are no longer living in the days of Mad Men?

Please stop covering this person.

I have never come across anyone so determined to make sure she never becomes a mother-in-law.