Well…THAT only took 3 years…maybe he and sis Betsy have decided it’s time to distance themselves from Demented Donnie.
We were there to talk about Iran policy
Don’t you think that’s something important to disclose to the House Intelligence Committee
I did
I have the transcript right here. You didn’t
Maybe the transcript is wrong [tittering and murmers of incredulity from the audience]
The transcript is wrong?!?
I don’t know
Dude…this entire hearing was recorded live on C-SPAN
The web of conspiracy is only as strong as its weakest link.
Think about that. Flynn - guilty. Manafort - guilty. Papodopolus - guilty. Gates - guilty. Cohen - guilty.
Would you consider Prince a strong link, or a weak link? Would you consider Jr. a strong link, or a weak link? Would you consider Eric a strong link, or a weak link? Would you consider Hope Hicks a strong link, or a weak link? Would you consider Javanka a strong link, or a weak link? Would you consider the Dotard himself to be a strong link, or a weak link?
Throughout the entirety of the T rumpp Organization, and the entirety of this administration, there are so many, many weak and fragile links.
There is no way they survive.
Well they aren’t people who EVER want to do the real work. They get their ass handed to them by the internet (which they could never invent or help build) until tools and other folks (Russians, Cambridge Analytica) come up with turn-key solutions for them to ratfuck and corrupt the internet.
They don’t build a better gadget…just relentlessly keep poking and prodding until they find a crack to exploit. A scam to run. A graft to grift. It doesn’t take any intelligence really. I mean boxelder bugs and ladybugs keep finding cracks in my western exposure and their brains are mere specks.
It runs in Prince’s family.
Hmmm conspiracy maybe?
No kidding. When I was watching the clip, I couldn’t help but contrast it with the infamous Paul Manafort one. In both cases, the lies were transparent and obvious, somewhat shockingly. For Manafort, the followup was, “well, can we turn to the issue of minimum wage?” And for Prince, it was “You said, apart from writing papers, putting up yard signs, no. That’s what you said. I’ve got the transcript of the conversation here.” This seems almost emblematic.
And, somewhat surprisingly to me, the CBS interviewer was Gayle King, who’s been in the news recently for her interview skills.
If anything does Prince in it’ll be his arrogant feeling of invincibility.
Hasan did a great interview.
Like his sister, Eric Prince is a Dominionist; he is also a murderer.
Kudus to Hasan for running solid interviews – he really is a big cut above the usual weak tea – but getting to the bleak heart of the Prince/DeVos family will take more serious excavation.
Coming soon to a House hearing near you: Prince and the Blue Reign
It’s no coincidence.
Corrupt and stupid is as corrupt and stupid does.
To be honest I think Mehdi Hassan is simply better read and more aware of current events than a lot of US reporters/interviewers. Most US reporters don’t have the knowledge, attention span or work ethic to do the prep work. We also don’t use reporters/interviewers who are expert on that beat to do the interviews. Why use Margaret Brennan or Chuck Todd when Natasha Bertrand, David Corn or Michael Isikoff are sitting right there? Why isn’t Craig Unger on more panels? Simple changes like that would vastly improve coverage.
We have had an instant-play-back-machine for many decades. Nobody in the media uses it, unless occasionally against a Dem.
Only Bill Maher and Jon Stewart type shows actually play back the obvious lies and heinous public hoodwinking that Rs pull every single day. Don’t take me literally, I am sure Chuck Todd has used older video once or twice…but seriously. This isn’t brain surgery. Every single R has an hour of clips of them lying their heads off, that never seem to come back and bite them here in the U.S. If television networks can’t be used as the video repository of Grand Scale criminal liars, then they need to be made irrelevant.
Very good point. Smart, informed people exist in the US too, but they don’t get booked anywhere nearly as often as the talking heads. That’s a systemic problem.
A colleague of mine interviewed him as a reference for someone going through - wait for it - a security clearance renewal. She said he was folksy and pleasant. I asked if she felt she was in the presence of pure evil.
Vote them off the Island.
Some say – journalism died with Ed Murrow.
Some say.
I’m waiting for Marcy to write a lengthy analysis of the implications of this new admission by Erik Prince and how Mueller may be proceeding with respect to any possible indictment of this criminal.
This Kleptocracy must be destroyed. It is an existential threat to our lives and our future.
Now that Christian warrior Prince has his embassy in Jerusalem and a hefty tax cut, is Fat Donnie dispensable?
Just as his sister sees an opportunity to redirect education funding at all levels for private enrichment, Erik seems to be cashing in on some sort of private immigration policing scheme. The Libya proposal is best known, but there are now sudden migrant flow breakouts in many places, e.g. Venezuela. Mass deportations can also occur whenever ethnic purity issues arise. Of course, the big prize is Prince’s beloved US Federal Government, which has always ponied up for his schemes. Right now we only think about deporting brown people, but the skill set can easily be modified to eliminating opposition. For example, vuelos de la muerte, was a practice of gutting people live before tossing them out of a helicopter into the sea with the goal of leaving no trace as the bodies would sink and be eaten eventually.