Discussion: Prime Minister, Abortion Rights Groups Claim Win In Ireland

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Itā€™s so simple. If you donā€™t believe in abortion, donā€™t have one and donā€™t force your beliefs onto othersā€¦


Speaking of not forcing your opinions onto othersā€¦


IIRC the original constitution for Ireland pushed by de Valera et al, would have created a close approximation to a totalitarian catholic state (think a Catholic Iran run by a very reactionary pope).

First a gay PM (with a Indian father) and now repeal of the Eight amendment ! Ireland rocks !


Good job.


Rorabacher is also Putinā€™s trained House bitch.
So this is a double shot of schadenfreude for sane Americans.


Now if we can get divorce legalized in the Phillipinesā€¦

Lets just say that the Catholic church has not been acting in the interests of its congregationsā€¦


Filipinos would probably rather have their democracy back before they worry about divorce.


Not like he would lose an endorsement for simply being a dick head ā€¦

oh no ā€¦couldnā€™t have that ā€“


Of all the players in this grand drama, he is quietly the squirreliest(?) of the bunch. Basically I do not grasp his motivation. He seems to be a true believer.

How long before the faux religious ā€œright to lifersā€ in Congress call for crippling sanctions against Ireland?


His motivation is his overweening stupidity.

Heā€™s the truest of true believers----but nothing he believes is true or rational.


Not if you asked the countless women trapped in an abusive domestic situation and last time I checked there were still elections there, even if there are issues with the candidatesā€¦

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Ainā€™t that the truth.

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The evangelical billionaire preachers who have been ripping off their followers for a long time are not going to like this at all. They raise a lot of money off this issue. So expect continued appointment of anti rights federal judges and lots of talk about an imaginary Constitutional Amendment. As businessmen they see new opportunity to modify their heaven later for cash now ministries. This will not stop their work of establishing a golden streets of heaven (for them) theocracy in the U.S. Yes, they always have and still very much do want a cut of the taxes levied on American citizens.

This is why evangelicals accept the 11 out of Ten Commandments violations of Trumpski Enterprises, Inc. As long as he supports their agenda, they will keep their suckers in line. Roy Moore was one of their pet projects and got the support of DT for that very reason. How a pedophile makes his living is of no concern as long as he is seen as a supporter of theocracy. More importantly, the 60 to zero Israeli sniper fest during the Jerusalem prelude to The End of The Earth ā„¢ is a twofer. Since the world is gonna end there really ainā€™t no need for environment regulations or for true believers to save for their kidsā€™ college funds. So the preachers get the cash and Trumpski gets support from his base.


John McGuirk, spokesman for the Save the 8th group ā€” which refers to the eighth amendment in the constitution which effectively bans terminations ā€” told Irish television Saturday that many Irish citizens will not recognize the country they are waking up in. But he said the vote must be respected.

Now, it seems that the next step - logically - will be for the appropriate legislative actions to be taken to turn this into actual law in Irelandā€¦ and it sounds like that is what will happen.

However - if something like this were to happen in todayā€™s USA - and the results were as resounding as this - and Trump & his ilk were on the losing end - rest assured that every conceivable form of obstruction, stonewalling, and outright disregard would be raging in full fury - and the will of the people would be tossed into the ash-can ā€¦ derided as ā€˜fake-voteā€™ ā€¦ ā€˜riggedā€™ ā€¦

the power block that Trump is leading is in no way consistent with the ā€œAmerican idealsā€ - it is a sick totalitarian racist hate filled fascist movement that will take this country into oblivion if it is not stopped.


I think he wanted to be like his doppelgƤnger Duke Cunningham (without the bars). Seeing how risky it could be for the breathtakingly incompetent to operate a grift in the U.S. he decided to take his dog shit and dead pony show on the road.

Add a little flattery and lot of money and even the greediest and amoral among us would quickly fall prey to the wiles of the Russian rubleā€™s siren song.

Also, heā€™s a Rethugliklan. They own him now.


These Evangelicals are doing SUCH damage to their faith.

Yesterday on Hardball Phillip Bump said that out of all groups polled, when asked if the US has a responsibility to take in refugees, lower than any group, only 25% of Evangelicals would ā€˜take in those in needā€™ and I say HELLO, what about the damn Beatitudes?

They are such a bad example of Christianity I am nearly speechless. Just kind of sputter about it all the time.


They have no real religious faith to damage.

Their real faith is in the ability of GOP fascist-wannabes to stick it to the poor and to people of colorā€”while rewarding the selfish, the rich, and the bigoted.

Such is the state of ā€œThe Evangelical Community.ā€


Itā€™s just business and politics. It used to be religion.