Priebus kissing up to Trump just like Spicer because he knows Trump is watching.
I thought the “White House is Looking At” distractions would end with the 100 days–maybe Reince had this one ready to dodge retrospective 100-day questions. Or maybe he’s off his game because he’s only accustomed to talking to reporters in the dark at midnight.
Edit: Ex-Cruz-iatingly punchable
Putin and Erdogan are the examples he follows.
Great! Yes, by all means President Trump!! Awaken the dreary ink-stained wretches from their amused slumber! We may finally rediscover journalism with more reporters in prison!
Really, is this the garbage idiot Trump spends his short work days obsessing over? Yes, I’m most certain it is! Trump couldn’t get a mailbox moved down the block, let alone a Constitutional Amendment to severely curtail our freedom of the press and speech! Good luck, dimwit!
Trump does this only after they abolish discovery.
So much for that oath he took at the biggest, bestest-ever, most awesome, stupendous, amazing, incredible, wowza inauguration that ever was or will be.
It seemed to be going so well…then taxes and press. Poor Reince. Loved the admission that Trump sent his taxes to Rachel.
Reince, don’t forget to read the 1st amendment
Too busy masturbating on the second.
But Penis , how can Trumpy sue the Press when the women cant sue Trumpy ?
Apparently , the women cant sue Trumpy , because it will distract Trumpy from his attention on saving the country ( it will also stop him from grabbing womens pussies ) .
Reince Priebus, sans vowels: RNC PR BS
Priebus’ flag pin caught my attention. It has a star with Secret Service written in it. That is curious. Do other administration officials wear that?
The MSNBC Prime schedule really seems to bug Team Trump…Could a new round of infighting ensue?
Just like all Republican leadership Priebus has no fixed ideology, he can switch from a libertarian position to fascist in a breath, all because they only believe in power. The rage and noise he would have raised towards Obama if he had said the very same words would have been deafening, no this treasonous coward acts as if he is reasonable.
Cause the legality of thta does not violate the first amendment. And I guess they did not pay attention to a mostly unfounded right wing media war on Obama based on little. Trump has done enough to warrant more criticism than he is getting.
There was a news show on this morning that was pathetic. Asked why the media had declared War on Trump. Like he had not done or said anything controversial. Or had any idea what he is doing.
“That’s a mighty nice First Amendment you have there; it would be a shame if something were to happen to it…”
Even a pandering, conscienceless toady like Priebus cannot go on like this indefinitely. He is due to begin acting out. Arrested for shoplifting or for soliciting an undercover policeman in the Men’s Room, I’d guess. Two months and counting on the Priebus clock. His cry for help is going to be very messy.
Has anyone there in Ivankastan ever heard of the US Constitution?