More Republican outreach. We’ve come a long way from their 2012 "autopsy".
ETA: The “Autopsy” of which Reince Priebus himself was a co-author. One notes his intellectual flexibility.
So much for Rancid as the voice of mainstream, old-line conservative Republicans. Well, actually, no. A lot of them would agree with him.
Sadly, their “autopsy” was not post-mortem.
“IT’S ALIVE!!”. And then some.
We are on the very edge of being doomed as a country, at least a country worthy of preservation. What will we do to stop this?
That’s our clue folks.
If they start that shit…
we ALL need to register as Muslims. Catholic , Presbyterian Baptist or Atheist.
That will freak them out when we turn out 100 million Muslims
It will show them that the Republican version of the Constitution is not supported
See above
I would register as Juden—German spelling.
Nice touch
And we could all start wearing armbands with Muslim in English and Arabic
“Buuuut,” Priebus smiled and pulled out his large I AM THE NRA lapel button, " we will continue to make absolutely sure in both Houses of Congress that anyone on the Registry or the No Fly List will continue to enjoy absolutist Second Amendment Rights! Along with our KKK paramilitaries. Because Slippery Slopes!!!
You won’t rule out anything…OK how about a Christian registry?
So they want to register visitors coming into the US, so how would it work if we, US citizens register as Muslims?
Alternate Headline: Reince Priebus Suggests That the Trump Administration’s Obeying U.S. Law and the Geneva Convention is "Optional."
“until a better vetting system is put in place.”
What better system? When has anyone pointed to a single thing wrong with what our intelligence officers are doing now? Specifically, name one thing. Are you saying they aren’t doing their job?
What have you proposed so far. “Extreme vetting.” That means absolutely nothing and the morons in the American public eat it up.
Get ready for another war on a civilization like 43s declaration of war against an “axis of terror”. I wonder if these f***ers know that their rhetoric is just begging ISIL to hit the US. ISIL has already said that the electing of drumpf proves that the US hates all muslims and that they hope it will improve recruitment…
And this is how America ends. With a spineless press corp more interested in front row White House press avails than an actual functioning Democracy.
They really fucked us on this one.
I’ll make a guess as to what “extreme vetting” will mean. I think it will mean one of two things:
- Disrupting intelligence activities by announcing names of some rejected baddies, even though the disclosures will provide terrorist organizations insight into our intelligence, and/or by rejecting people that intelligence agencies want to allow in to the US for the purpose of learning more about possible contacts or plans in our country.
- Using the “extreme vetting” term frequently, while doing nothing new or different, and then citing “national security” as the reason the administration has not mentioned anything new or different about “extreme vetting.”
Tie them to a chair in the windowless room under the spotlight and beat them with rubber hoses until they “confess”? Throw them in a pond and see if they float?
People watch too many movies and believe everything that confirms their bias.