Maybe even think of “governing” as, say, your job, what you are paid to spend your days doing, and, I dunno…do it.
Coffee takes time to brew properly. It is steeping now, and the French Press plunger will be depressed soon.
Why break your non-governance streak since 2011?
P.S. Lawyer up, bitch.
Trump would love to fire Ryan, but he can’t. He can, however, sack the other Badger.
Until such a thing is even confirmed, don’t get excited about it. Allow yourself a Mona Lisa smile, of course.
The moron probably thinks he can. After all, he believes he can present a (fake) bill to the Leader of the Free World, Angela Merkel, like some mafioso shithead who just crossed the bridge from Queens.
Which, quite obviously, he is attempting to do with his tweets last night urging people to watch Fox while they kick into a 10 minute rant about getting rid of Ryan.
I hope stuff like this goes viral, he deserves it.
Trump: “What does Reince mean ? I have been signing EOs left and right since I was oafed in ! That IS governing !”
Well one can hope it is true. If true you can bet FBI will remain quite about it.
Ah, that explains it: I drink instant.
Aside: Your Chuck Barris joke (about Trump mourning Chuck Berry badly) sure turned out to be creepily on the money!
The fundamental flaw is that Trump promised the American people he could deliver a better health care plan at lower cost. When they opened to poke to see what was inside, what came out of the bag was a mess that chopped 24 million people off health care and cost a lot of money. The fact that they could not get votes for the mess is nobody’s fault other than Trump, who had no clue of how to deliver on his promise. We will be seeing a lot of that.
What happened? I was in Austin all week, meetings from 9am-9pm, didn’t see anything.
Chuck Barris died.
Holy Shit!
(Maybe if I post something snarky about an aneurysm and a state funeral in DC…)
Now it’s time to start governing? Because the past 20 years were just practice? Here’s a hint: when you’re in public office, it’s always time to govern.
Ahh, why start now? Just keep threatening your allies and trusting your tiny-handed no-attention span boss. It’s working so well for your and your party’s reputation, Rinse.
Like slimy things under a rock, when they start governing the sunshine makes them all shrivel up. The world can see them for what they truly are.
Question just asked by host of “Reliable Sources”: “When do reporters start using the word lie regarding the President’s utterances?”
She partially backed down on her claim. While I’d like to believe the story and while I do think that there is more to come, I’m skeptical that Flynn cut a deal. And there are a lot of caveats in Juliette Kayyem’s later post on Facebook, where she wrote:
Last night, I noted that other Trump players named in recent stories have agreed to speak in front of the House Intel Committee and that Flynn has not. And I stated that it raises a question about whether he may have a deal with the FBI. Moreover, sources I have talked to in the field also are increasingly wondering the same thing. But, to be clear, I did not say on this segment that I have any confirmation that he is actually cooperating or that I have talked to anyone who does. My informed analysis of this case is based on my years of experience in the national security arena.
So she doesn’t take it back but she admits that she doesn’t have real evidence.
Natural causes? Like an operator of his caliber would settle for anything less than Extra-Strength Polonium 2000!