Discussion: Priebus Dismisses Concerns About Steve Bannon Working In White House

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“I think everyone out there can agree that you judge people as you see them, not as other people have said,” Priebus said. "That’s what I would say is that it’s what people do. It’s how people act on a day-to-day basis*****.

****exactly like we did with President Obama and Secretary Clinton for the entire past 8 years, during Donald Trump’s campaign, and during the Debates.


The MSM is in a flurry trying to normalize Bannon this morning, which is a bit shocking. In their drive for “access” they are going to end up rushing themselves headlong into the guillotine. Note how quickly Trump upended his promise to not be so twitter happy by going off on a 4 hour twit anger stream aimed at…The New York Times.



You wouldn’t expect him to pick a fight first day on the job ?

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Don’t expect Preibus to say a word about Bannon as Bannon is the real power behind the Presidency now and he knows it.
The reaction of the 4th Estate to these appointments shows that if you were counting on the MSM to grow a backbone and do some actual “Journalism” to protect us, you are well and truly fucked.
The entire MSM is bending over and pulling down their pants for the Trump administration in a manner not seen since the first Reagan administration.
They are falling all over themselves to line up to suck the dick of the Trump administration just so they can be in line to get the coveted “Access” that they all dream of.
KellyAnn Conway states that the MSM “should watch what they say” and they all AGREE WITH HER.
Bannon has darkly alluded to “punishing” members of the MSM who don’t “toe the line” and has, in the past, pushed the idea of IMPRISONING “journalists” so the MSM is doing it’s damnedest to make sure they don’t look like a “Journalist” to them.
We are headed for a long, long, dark tunnel of Autocratic Rule and Corruption on a scale not seen since the Nazi’s consolidated their power in 1934 Germany (yes, I went there.)
I expect something like the Nuremberg Laws of 1935 (this time aimed at Muslims) to be passed, with barely any opposition from the feckless Democrats (who will be too busy running for their political lives) sometime early in February 2017, with the MSM cheering wildly from the sidelines.
Hate crimes (and unarmed black men shot by cops) will soar, and by mid-February you will see all of the immigration reforms repealed, the “Deportation Force” created and stocked with racists and KKK members, gay-marriage outlawed, “Religious Freedom” laws enacted at the Federal Level, the climate change bill backed out of, the Iran deal scrapped, and Medicare will be privatized to “replace” the ACA with lots and LOTS of talk about privatizing Social Security next.
An “Infrastructure Bill” will be passed with great fanfare but little talk about what it really does; Privatize vast swaths of the Public Infrastructure and pour billions into private companies coffers as they outsource the work like mad to increase their profits.
Weep for America.


Given Priebus’ current job as the RNC Chief Apologist Officer, what else would one expect?


Priebus, who became the chief apologist for Trump during the campaign, asks us not to “judge” Bannon. Why shouldn’t we judge him? He has a substantial public record, much of which is just terrible–racist, white nationalist, anti-semitic and generally irresponsible right-wing conspiracy fan. How much more do we need to know about this guy in order to decide that he has no business anywhere near the White House. Why should we expect him to change now?


“If anyone thinks I’m the only one that’s going to walk in to that office and say, this is what you have to do, I think in a lot of cases, he takes the advice,” Preibus said. “But he likes to listen to a lot of people. That’s a good thing. That’s what you want from a president.”
Um when you control who he sees, who gets to talk to him, well then that is not a good thing, you moron.

And hey Reincy you’re now the straw.


Priebus is a dickhead.

Yes, I went there.


Bannon: “Hey guys I’m not a racist, I just played one for the money.”
Does that make it any better Reincey?


MSM: “What’s all the liberal fuss about Bannon anyhow? After all, it’s just Jews, amirite?”


Could not agree more. This anecdotal crap about his college degrees and “golly gee, this ain’t the guy I know”, is the kind of turd polishing that makes me want to rip off my clothes and go running down the freeway with a sign.

Priebus said “I think everyone out there can agree that you judge people as you see them, not as other people have said,” Priebus said. “That’s what I would say is that it’s what people do. It’s how people act on a day-to-day basis.”

We are judging him by his actions you morons!!!

The MSM is so far behind the curve on this I just have to weep. I know everyone is getting tired of the Nazi comparisons, but Goebbels had a doctorate in philosophy. He was a good looking, softspoken family man who just happened to have a rabid hatred for Jews. Please, let’s judge Bannon by the huge amount of public work he has put out there, not by the pablum dripping out of Trump henchman’s mouths. It is in the fucking record!


One other thing that sticks out at me about this Priebus/Bannon reporting…is Trump’s refusal to follow norms even with regards to titles and roles.

No campaign has a CEO…but that was Bannon’s title. Conway was a communications director, but she carried the title of campaign manager. Manafort was a campaign chair who essentially played the roles of campaign manager and communications director for months, as well as chief negotiator with the RNC.

Priebus will not be a Chief of Staff in any historical meaning of the word. He is merely a figurehead to appease DC establishment types and to give the MSM something to hang their hopes for a “normal” Presidency on. His main qualification is…his ability to roll over for Trump and his complete surrender.


OK, I’ve done like President Obama and others said. I gave Donald Trump a chance to show how he will lead the country. He has appointed Steve Bannon as his Senior Counsel and Chief Strategist. His chance is over. He failed.


Actually, the Bannon appointment to the People’s House is emblematic of the white-supremacist, racist vote that got Trump the victory; ergo, it is just recognizing this fact: elections have consequences.

Oh, by the way, let us remember the Swing States of Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania which gave Trump the victory…

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Why yes, Reince you lapdog, I understand Hitler could be quite charming as well.

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And he’s never lied to us before. Amirite?


“That’s not the Steve Bannon that I know. and I’ve spent a lot of time with him and here’s a guy that’s a Harvard business school, London school of economics.”

Wait…so a guy who went on to study after high school isn’t just a coddled elitist? Studying and academics are desirable now?


Only there ?
Festering puss filled blot on western civilization.
I went there