Discussion: Price: Trump Is 'Absolutely Not' Too Distracted To Work On Health Care

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What a MUNT.


President Slacker can, like, totally do two things at one time. It’s just that right now there’s this really good show on. He’ll do health care and mow the lawn as soon as it’s over stop worrying so much sheesh.


It’s not that he’s “too distracted”. That would assume he has some actual knowledge of healthcare, but is merely side-tracked.

No. The problem clearly is he knows nothing and has no interest beyond putting up a “win” and sticking it to Obama. That’s it.

Don’t believe me? Check out his comments on space and infinity, then check out the look on Buzz Aldin’s face.


He works on things? I never would’ve guessed.


“The fact of the matter is that he can do more than one thing at a time.”

It’s true.

He’s been attacking Joe Scar, Mika, and CNN simultaneously for days now.


Gotta be tough talking healthcare with someone when the discussion has to start with an explanation of germ theory.


he can do more than one thing at a time.

But only if one of those things is golf, and the other is eating a Big Mac on the 18th hole.


This is the right guy for it…


Price is clearly not objective. Moreover, he has proven over and over again to be disingenuous and to have questionable ethical standards. Why the media wastes its time asking these shady lap dogs these questions are beyond me. They cannot reasonably expect a truthful answer.


Whether Trump is too distracted to work on health care is irrelevant. The fact is that he is too stupid to contribute anything of any value.

He does not want to improve healthcare insurance for others. Trump wants to salvage his challenged ego, and he is failing totally. He is playing in a game he is too ignorant and incompetent to play in the game at this level. How can a narcissist, whose total focus in life is to avoid or deal with challenges to his own ego, switch to being a person of value in designing a system of health care financing for other people he does not know?


OK, so Trump can do two things at once, like eat hamburgers while watching Morning Joe. But if he’s not too “distracted” to work on healthcare, what is he “too”? Too self-absorbed?


Too mentally ill.


Todd: "Is the president too distracted here to campaign for health care?”

“Absolutely not,” Price replied. “He’s just not intelligent, knowledgeable or interested enough to discuss it in a coherent way. So, we do our best to keep him away from it, and really prefer that he distract the media with his crazy tweets. It seems to be working, wouldn’t you agree.”


They want America to ignore the antics of the faux president. Price got downright pissy when he was asked about the Mika tweets, offended that Todd would go there rather than focus on “more important” things. Everyone else is chastised for lack of focus, but not donnie.


“Well, I think that he is, absolutely,” Price said. “The fact of the matter is that he can do more than one thing at a time.”

He has an unparalleled ability to screw up everything he touches. That frees time for him to fuck up lots of things – health care financing, taxes, media relations. You just don’t see how busy we are putting out fires he starts.


Price: He’s a genius I tellz ya. So focused on what’s important for the country.

This guy couldn’t tell the truth if it bit him on the ass. Just last week he was claiming there were no cuts at all to Medicaid in the GOP bill. Pants on Fire Bullshit of the highest order…but that’s who’s in charge of Health and Human Services in the Federal government now. A guy who cashed out on medical devices with insider trading as a member of Congress, to profit off a company he had just sponsored a bill to help advance. The rot comes from the top in this administration. Corruption reins supreme.


How do these people live with themselves?
Don doesn’t give a damn about health care or anything but his TV “ratings”
Price is flat out lying - another Trump admin with no credibility.
Just a liar.


Trump does not have an administration, he has a coterie of apologists.


I’m not buying the mental illness excuse, he’s a self absorbed pig plain and simple. To me mental illness is something that harms the individual’s growth and development, Trump has grown into his assholery over time. He chose his path, now I hope he suffers the consequences of that path.