R.I.P. Objective Truth
Big Bang - 2017
A presidential endorsement of a video by a discredited sleazebag would be a huge news story – unprecedented! – if the president himself were anything but a discredited sleazebag.
“I don’t know if they’re true, but watch these videos. We’re fighting fake news!”
Yeah, we get it. Fake news isn’t fake if it supports Trump. And real news isn’t real if Trump doesn’t like it. In other news, up is down, black is white, etc.
Well he’s not really opposed to fake news, but it’s gotta be fake news he likes and that makes him look good. Then it’s ok.
My God, the Asshole-elect finds new ways to embarrass the country everyday. When are the adults in Congress going to remove this buffoon? Sad.
Someone needs to make a sports illustrated swim suit cover with Donald face pasted on this picture of Borat. The backs even thinner but all save you from that one.!
Maybe Trump can replace the framed fake Time cover he hung up in his golf clubs with this Men’s Health one. It’s just as real.
“Our ratings are incredible right now.”
Not sure why O’Keefe (or anyone) would think that’s a damaging statement. Means CNN is providing something the public wants.
Is O’Keefe being considered for the Deputy Minister of Propaganda position?
Hey, subjectivity is the latest rage! When a college hires a science lecturer who think photos of the Earth from space are Photoshopped and that the Earth is a “disc mounted on columns” we are just being “inclusive”. I hope that lecturer (yes, she is real) doesn’t teach that crap but, hey, its what she believes, so its all good.
With the exception that O’Keefe is skinny and Trump is fat, there’s very little difference between those two grifters.
He was slim back then. He probably didn’t even need to drive his golf cart across the green.
More like a TV show every day…
Flagged, but I didn’t notify a moderator—3 a.m. here and remembering a name is too much work:)
Kellyanne Goebbels must be so proud of her work.
I take that back…With this shitty moron in the White House, its totally believable he’d rely on a convicted criminal and that disreputable POS to spread more bullshit.
This man isn’t a President because he doesn’t know how to act like a President…or even pretend to act like a President. He’s a fucking child with an inferiority complex, uncontrollable obsessions, a mean streak and a list of enemies he’s stockpiling to go after.
Trump was obsessed with his OWN ratings during the Apprentice and the campaign! James O Keefe is a dishonest, pimply punk who should spend time in jail.
No fucking impulse control…Just what you don’t need in a President.
Trump is vouching for one of the few individuals in the known universe with less credibility than himself. That’s funny on a number of levels.