I’m sure the actions of the Nazis falls under some local or state ordinance regarding intimidation or threats. Why they aren’t arrested and prosecuted for that is a good question.
Any comment rom Bibi Nuttyyahoo yet?
“Soon, we learned that Nazi websites had posted a call to burn our synagogue.” Zimmerman said “it was just talk,” but that the synagogue “had already deemed such an attack within the realm of possibilities, taking the precautionary step of removing our Torahs, including a Holocaust scroll, from the premises.”
But, of course, we all know…it can’t happen here.
Well, that would be persecuting the poor dears. But rest assured that the police will do their best to try to arrest anyone who kills someone. In the meantime, put your trust in God because the police have enough problems of their own.
during the past several weeks as we braced for this Nazi rally – but the effects of both will each linger,
Call Ivanka, she will fix it for you.
But I’m sure nothing was really going to happen because this was being done by some of the “very fine people” that donnie cited.
Ivanka and Jared should have been there and gotten a taste of the violent, garbage that is being elevated by her dear father.
“For half an hour, three men dressed in fatigues and armed with semi-automatic rifles stood across the street from the temple,” he said. “Perhaps the presence of our armed guard deterred them. Perhaps their presence was just a coincidence, and I’m paranoid. I don’t know.”
Sadly, I´m pretty sure that you were not being paranoid.
Nazis with semi-automatics. What could go wrong? The NRA is apparently very much ok with this because blacks tend not to be white supremacists and Nazis.
Seriously, you guys want to know what it was like on the ground, check out that Vice piece by Elle Reeve. Don’t let the polo shirts and tiki torches fool you—a good number of these guys are vicious thugs and they’re out to hurt people. And what’s really dangerous is they think their time has come. Bad news.
Have any of Trump’s Jewish friends read any history?
Welcome to the wonderful First Reich of Ivankastan…
Yes, but the President informed us that only some were Nazis with semi-automatics, white supremacists with baseball bats, and skin heads with piipes.
The rest were just decent and kind Americans proud of their ancestors who fought to keep black people enslaved.
They read their white segregationist history, and they are using it as a playbook.
This was not the only place of worship that experienced this type of behavior. This intimidation was well organized.
Besides, some very good people were there with shields and truncheons and guns and marching at night with their tiki torches chanting anti-Semitic slogans and wearing Hitler Jungend haircuts.
This is why it’s called terrorism. The definition of terrorism is an act intended to create fear for the purpose of political gain.
Every one of these events were acts of terrorism: the torchlight march, the “taking” of the University’s Jefferson monument, the intimidation of worshipers, and the marches that took place the next morning.
Yet the only terrorist act even being investigated is the murder.
Why is Judis still writing here…
A very powerful, frightening account by an eyewitness and further proof of Trump’s rank unfitness.
Why didn’t Trump call out the white supremacists and Nazis when they attacked a synagogue?
Because “He went to Jared’s!”
(it must be so nice to have a relative who can give you cover for your bigotry)