Every post on storm front is saying exactly that!
Who went to school in San Francisco!
For those who may have wondered where the Vulcan salute originated (hint: his synagogue when he was a child): http://www.nytimes.com/video/obituaries/100000003536154/nimoy-explains-origin-of-vulcan-greeting.html
As Spock would say, “Fascinating.”
Typically the more ‘humorous’ of them faux-confuses Spock with Mork and/or communication’s officer Harry Solomon (from"the undiluted 3rd Rock") and/or Alf, but mostly the first owing to Nimoy’s identification with humanism and progressive causes and the third owing to the desperate need of wingers to dismiss liberals as stupid unserious alien puppets.
Spock was always sufficient. Just Spock.
“…fans who miss him…”
I picked up a great locally made t-shirt in Seattle shortly after Obama announced his candidacy. It is an image of Obama with Spock ears giving the Live Long and Prosper sign. I wondered if Obama knew some of us were comparing him to Spock – I guess I have my answer now!
A sad day for fans of Tolkien as well…Bilbo’s biggest fan is dead.
Live long and prosper Leonard.
I don’t knowabout that “biggest” fan part. I finished the LOTR and hobbit books for the umpteeth time since college just yesterday. And I have extended versions of all the movies except the Return of the King which version isn’t out yet. but I’ll get it when available.
There will be millions of his fans who offer a blessing to his soul and take a drink in his memory.
Rejoice for the well lived life.
Peace to his Family.
How could right-winger celebrate the man associated with the phrase “live long and prosper”? That is diametrically opposed to their vision for the average American.
Because of an editing error, this post originally referred to Nimoy’s character as Dr. Spock. It has been corrected.
You mean … he didn’t write the book on babies? I’m crestfallen.
I would say that’s a big fuck-you to Maureen Dowd and her ilk. Good job, Mr. President.
There are no editors, copy editors, proofreaders, or fact-checkers on this site. Is this the first time you’ve noticed?
Goodbye to the voice of Civilization 4, one of the better strategy games ever (and the best of the Civ franchise).
Ghost: You done took the words raht outta mah mouth!
Thank you for posting that photo.
There’s about 10 million of us who could say the same thing : )