Discussion: Presbyterian Church: Gay Marriage Is Christian

Discussion for article #224151

Welcome news. The educated denominations are finally standing up to the fundaMENTALists.


I am a minister of a non-denominational, ecumenical church online. Starting in 2015 I will be performing marriages, both straight and same-sex, in Oregon and leading monthly gatherings to teach a new message from God (I would do it sooner, but health issues are not going to be resolved until around Christmas time). I am a Deist, not a Christian, but I believe that all faiths have common beliefs and virtues and we need to embrace those things to come together to care for each other and to protect this planet.

That the Presbyterian church is moving towards acceptance of all of God’s Children without judgment is a step in the right direction. God created us all in His image, straight and gay alike, and it is not up to us to judge others if they are not in Our image.

Perhaps if people spent more time finding out what God actually expects of us and recognizing that the Bible was written and compiled by men to further a political agenda 1800 years ago, then we might find less hate and more acceptance in this world. It is refreshing to see so many within the Protestant and Catholic faiths moving towards recognizing one simple fact: God loves us all and it is only in loving each other that we will find grace.

Rev. Devon J. Noll
New Word Universal Fellowship Church


Thank you Reverend.

Jesus surrounded his self with men you be the judge