Well, this sounds a tad off to me. There is a reason that that person changed his story (If he, in fact, did) and it isn’t that the first story isn’t the truth.
Paid? Threatened somehow? Or maybe he was just told that he’s hurting someone whom he genuinely likes, apart from the fact that they guy turned a blind eye to sexual abuse.
Questionable decision by the PR firm though. I’m not in Jordan’s district, but on a national level the hubbub was dying down.
Sounds like another Republican putting party above truth and justice.
Then, “There’s no way_ _ that he’s got no recollection of what was going on”
Now, “or have any direct knowledge that Jim Jordan knew”
A pretty soft backpeddle, if you ask me
When you have to hire a PR firm to spin this statement as a “recant” proclaiming Jordan’s ignorance, it’s pretty clear he knew.
Smart move, we had just about forgot that story…
My first thoughts too…
PR Firm Defending Jim Jordan Releases Statement Of Former Wrestler Recanting Accusation
That “PR firm” is Shirley & Banister Public Affairs, in case anyone’s curious.
And Shirley is Craig Shirley, CIA veteran of “Iran-Contra” days, a man whose moral stature you cannot even begin to imagine.
You can reach his firm here:
I mean, if you want to offer plaudits and encomia, obviously.
Something does not add up. I think that there’s a Denny Hastert in Jim Jordan.
Jim Jordan’s campaign fund employs the Stormy Daniels defense.
No. I’m sure it was just a spontaneous realization that everything he had been saying a few weeks ago was “inaccurate.” Just one of those things.
No question about it, this guy has been paid, threatened, coerced or all of the above.
Skeletons, Closet
Very lawyerly way of recanting without recanting.
When people start reversing their statements, it is time to get a local prosecutor to begin a real investigation. Subpoenas, grand jury, the whole ball of wax.
Sounds legit.
Just what would “direct knowledge” look like? A signed statement from Jordan at the time? A taped conversation, or one with witnesses? I have no direct knowledge that Jack Ruby shot Oswald.
How much did Jim Jordan pay off the former wrestler? PAYOFF