Discussion: POTUS Argues Putin Wanted Clinton To Win In Wake Of Don Jr. Email Release

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Makes perfect sense. Trump asks Russia to hack Clinton to help her win.


I understand Trump has dementia and all that, but even so…!


While I hate this time and the horrible way our nation is acting right now as it strives to barf out this contagion, I will always love that Hillary beat him in the only metric he actually cared about.


Suck it, loser.


but nobody ever mentions that.

Nobody ever mentions it, you stupid fucking ape, because that whole riff is so incredibly stupid that only one of your incredibly stupid devotees could take one millimeter of a step down the road to believing it. Keep on arguing that people should believe you and not their own lying eyes, you stupid fat son of a bitch. See how much good it does.


Piss off. Your presidency is effectively over. The hounds are at your heels.


Calm your nerves, my friend. Have another cup of coffee. Its still early. If you get this pissed off, this early, no telling how fed up you’ll feel by the end of the day as new revelations come out and more outrageous shit hits the fan about Donnie Dimwit. Pace yourself. I have to…sometimes to the point that I have to lay off reading anything about that asshole until much later in the day now. My capacity for overload is tested daily…

Stay strong.


Well, I appreciate the excellent advice. But I have a busy day coming up so I have to get my recommended daily allowance of outrage in with an earlier and more concentrated dose than usual. Also sometimes things just hit you. You’re cruising along, more or less dealing with the fact that there’s a cabal of traitors running the damn country, and it just hits you with the full emotional force it deserves and you can’t be equable for a bit. You just have to yell. No worries, though. The first few months took a toll but I’m good now. It’s a long slog but the good guys, I believe, will win in the end and we’ll start cleaning this poor country up. Thanks again. :smiling_imp:


we are getting more and more powerful because I’m a big military person

He then went on to recount his heroic exploits in his personal Vietnam, proudly showing off his replica Purple Heart.

“I was wounded during that time,” he continued. "It effectively ended my chances of playing for the Yankees, which all the recruiters wanted me to do. But I couldn’t, you know, because of my injuries.

“But I persevered and overcame my handicap, and eventually become a tremendous golfer. I became one of the best golfers in the world. Believe me.”


Don’t laugh. Do you know how many times he has won a senior club championship? I believe the number is 18 times.


Yeah, he’s said he’s the best of all the rich golfers. And he owes it all to his being able to handle pressure in the heat of battle.

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FAke newS!


I was going to say the same thing to @mattinpa! The heart can only handle so much before lunch.


I’m retired so am home most of the day with easy access to the internet. Since November I have taken to listening to mystery/fantasy/sci-fi books constantly (averaging a book a day) as a way to divert myself from the nauseating situation.


Kauderwelsch - a great german word: mumbo jumbo - gibberish



I have to say, I approve of Kellyanne Conway's move into prop comedy. This is a promising direction for her.

— Jeet Heer (@HeerJeet) July 13, 2017

How cute. Her brilliance is…astounding. ::snark::


This is fake! He would never use the word ‘persevere.’


If its any comfort to you…this thrice married, twice divorced puke, who runs around with mob figures and has broken just about every commandment, with the hopes he can still fit in murder on 5th Ave. to complete the top ten, is reduced to appearing on CBN, with Pat Robertson’s faux Xtian broadcasting network because he’s only got a rump 36% approval rating among the most ardent fuckwits in the country. Nixon still had around 29% when he left office, so there’s always gonna be rump support for even the most odoriferous pile of Pr*sidential dreck, no matter how bad he gets. Only the worst of the worst will still be there for him when he’s forced out of office. I live for that day when we all get to see that happen. The corks will be popping and people will be out in the streets cheering…I’ll be one of those people, to be sure.