Discussion for article #224614
Ginsburg is right - Pandora’s Box is open.
All together now…
I don’t know, I’m guessing that there are some businesses that will ask for permission to NOT have to hire Christians, serve Christians as customers, or do any kind of business with them. Let’s just let everybody discriminate against anybody. Who needs to respect the rights of others when you have religious convictions?
Well, THAT argle-bargle didn’t take long.
This is less of a slippery slope and more like a cliff.
Well it sure didn’t take long for the right-wing bigots to drop the other shoe, did it?
So it begins.
In the Broadway show, The Book of Mormon, the African locals finally take said book and shove it up the ass of the Mormon missionary. If the Democrats miss this golden opportunity to use this series of SCOTUS decisions and the general bahaviour of the GOP to energize the base and spank the GOP at the polls, then we all deserve what they get.
Well there’s a shock.
We have now defined religious freedom not in terms of our own behavior but in terms of our ability to control the behavior of others. God help us.
I was writing something along those lines, but you said it better, more concisely, and with a whole lot less swearing.
The Obama administration needs to come out and forcefully say “NO” to this request. Let them sue. Let them screen. If you want to win contracts from the government, follow the governments rules, including non-discrimination.
“Slippery Slope” arguments are often suspect (like reasonable gun regulations leading to government seizing everyone’s guns), but the Hobby Lobby decision appears to have greased a number of slopes very quickly.
Only ANTI-America businesses will do that, like Jewish Deli’s and Arab-run whatevers … (snark).
America will destroy herself with this religious creed.
Let’s get this straight, religionista’s out there. Religion destroys more in the world than democracy and science ever created.
Besides that, since the beginning of history of this planet, 4.5 billion years ago, there has been no evidence whatsoever that there was a god worth obeying or even respecting. Mythology and fairy tales. Get over it, folks, religion is all a giant farce.
Careful. Saying the Earth is 4.5 billion years old probably violates some corporation’s religious beliefs.
Cool. If these religious leaders want to discriminate against gay people, they don’t have to seek out federal contracts.
Rand Paul must be so pleased today…
You can use a “religious belief” argument for or against practically anything, including Darwin apparently.
Reasonable gun regulations worked just fine in 1783. Reasonable guns didn’t go along with that, nor did people who were unwilling to be in a “well-regulated militia”, (doesn’t exist for gun owners and they seem to not mind, and still want to own more guns, more modern guns, and want to take their guns to churches, bars, schools, etc.)
Get over this idea that there’s a "slippery slope for guns that gun owners didn’t create for themselves with newer weapons, refusing to serve in militias in order to own one, etc.