Discussion: Popular Alt-Right Meme Deemed Hate Symbol By Anti-Defamation League

Oh AND HAte GROUP HOMOs DIDN’t aPPROPRIAte raINBOWs, uniCORns, the WORds FAgs and GAY? WHat ABOUT cake BOY? USed to be a BOY that LIKEs CAke. HOMO HATE groUPS stEAL aLL REal WORLD memes OF happier TIMEs when America WAS GREAT!11!1!!one!!11!1


The Atlantic had a recent interview with Pepe’s creator, Matt Furie.


1, unwarranted self-importance by the ADL, unilaterally deciding What Is and What Is Not. Yippie-doo, good for them.

2, I highly doubt the “alt-right” gives a flying fig what anyone thinks of their little memeized version of their club’s “secret handshake”.

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No one has ever made it clear to me exactly why I’m supposed to hate Jews. I like being a team player and all, but I kind of need a reason to jump in…

…and for the life of me I can’t think of one. Anti-Semitism seems like a tremendous waste of time and effort that could be better spent doing…well, anything, really.



this is what should be looked at. If something as derivative as Pepe can be turned into a hate symbol, then the next conversation over the next stolen symbol will be very interesting.


Mass psychology is bizarre - psycho in fact.
Right-wing individuals and Groups embrace the deranged megalomanic spouting targeted persecution of minorities - because of the vague twisted possibility these right wingers will gain some benefit through the oppression & repression of said minorities.
IDIOTS - that never never works out well …
ultimately, after it crashes & burns - most will swear they were duped - never really were onboard with the evil - while some will privately mumble that it just was not extreme enough - not oppressive enough …

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Pepe doesn’t seem that original to me. shrug/ ‘I must be getting old’


TheY are responsible for the seX on tv.


Memes and parentheses around names and subbing “google” for the n-bomb…it’s a like a gay-hanky code or masonic handshaking. I’m sure it all makes sense to the users but to the rest of us its like '80s scrambled cable porn, without the thrill of occasionally seeing a tit (or was that an elbow)?


Wow, that guy is just completely clueless. Furie thinks the use of Pepe as a symbol for the alt-right is just a “phase.” He has no idea that a) it’s become part of history now as a symbol of the far right, and b) that it’s permanent. White supremacists aren’t going to let go of using Pepe just because Trump loses an election. They gots themselves a mascot now, and they’re keeping it.

I feel sorry for Furie. He seems to have created this character as some sort of benign avatar of frat-boy stoner humor; he’s talking about making money from Pepe branded clothing lines (which, if not for the new alt-right association, would otherwise be no weirder than the Izod gator); and he’s completely oblivious to the fact that people are going to avoid that symbol - having been taken over by white nationalists - like a swastika once this election is over.


i’m just curious about him/this phenomenon. He doesn’t seem like a guy most will remember or place on the same level with Bill Waterston, Tex Avery or even Bob Clampett…

but hey, i wish him luck on his next adventure.

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It starts with Jewish deicide, and then spider-webs out from there. Modern American conservatives mostly hate them the same way they hate anybody else who isn’t a card-carrying WASP, but with slightly more rage because they’ve been convinced that Jews control the media, which supposedly pushes a liberal agenda [it doesn’t].

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I wonder why the ADL isn’t worried about the appropriation of the Gadsden flag? Oh, right, that’s more anti-black than anti-Semite.

So, it’s nothing to worry about then.

I think they’re very proud of their ignorance, and that on some level they know it’s wrong. But they believe that through some miracle Trump is going to win this election and prove all their hate and jealousy was justified - what made America great in the first place.


I feel a little weird about this since Pepe didn’t start as an alt-right meme- he was a 4chan meme that had no real association with any particular group. The only reason why the alt-right started using him at all is because of /pol/, and I’m pretty sure nobody who was aware of the meme before the alt-right became a thing associates it with that group more than any other.


The ADL has just made Pepe even more heroic and desirable to the Alt-Righties, who immediately adopted “deplorable” as a bad-ass badge of honor, like they’re just one step removed from being Hell’s Angels. In fact, I can envision a national biker club called “Satan’s Deplorables” with chapters in every semi-rural hardscrabble meth town in the country.

Not sure how easily 400-lb Alt-Right hackers are going to swing onto a Harley, though. Maybe a flat-bed trailer with a couch and Wi-Fi is more their ticket…


the term is racist

Well Gadsden was a slave merchant…

I don’t really have a problem with Pepe or the flag, because both were somewhat pushing it before they were appropriated by libertarian and alt-right groups. I’m a bit conflicted in Pepe’s case, because no one could have seen this coming in a million years (and remember the alt-right have kindred souls with those who stole the swastika from the Hindus). So what will we do, if another popular symbol is appropriated by the alt-right.

As for that flag, very few are likely aware of its origin, but gosh dang it, ait it pretty?

The image looks like a poorly done comic take on HO. I don’t like stuff like this directed at anybody including HO.