Discussion: Pope Francis Speaks Out Against Trump’s ‘Immoral’ Immigration Policy

Have fun in hell, Trump supporters. It will only seem like an eternity.


This just went nuclear. And not a moment too soon.

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So the pope is trying to make a start… but it is going to take a lot more than this to move us back into John XXIII territory (IMO the last decent pope)

Cannot wait to see how the Fox News will now trash the Pope.

As the Pope is from Argentina, no doubt the right wing will point out that the Pope only sympathizes with these children because he is also from Mexico.

I mean, how can the Pope compete with their Cheeto Jesus?


Well, the Catholic Church has enabled, condoned, and covered-up child sexual abuse by its male priests for decades.

And they are still denying and fighting the victims.

The Rev. calls SHS and Sessions obscene.

Yes but it doesn’t make this statement false.


As a Catholic, I was so relieved when Francis took the helm only to have some of that enthusiasm dulled when I realized that the hard core conservatives in the faith (incl. Bishops) would rather oppose the Pope (something unheard of when the Pope was conservative) than excise their political beliefs from their faith and do as Christ taught - reach out and aid the lowly, the oppressed and the immigrant.


Donald Trump and Mike Pence - Love your neighbor as yourself.*

*Except brown skinned poor immigrant babies and their families.

Do the Catholic lackeys of the president still get to show up for mass though? They’re not kicked out or anything?

I can only imagine what their confessions are like. In my childhood church, confession and absolution preceded communion. Dunno how that works for catholics.

Man, I really love this Pope.

“The Pope obviously doesn’t understand American law and order type stuff, and how these infants and children must be caged and damaged and scarred for life after being forcibly taken from their parents who were trying to get them to safety and a better life. Trump and Sessions and Nielsen have no other choice.”

FOX: “The Pope just doesn’t get it.”

I get it, though. And it has absofuckinglutely nothing to do with law and order. And I’m sure Pope Francis gets it, too.