Discussion: Pope Francis Puts Oil Execs On Notice: 'Energy Must Not Destroy Civilization'

Can he issue a similar notice on Dotard?

I’d even take a fatwa…


So long as there’s money to be made they won’t give a shit.

It’s like an illness.


He’s taking his job seriously. And he’s giving these people some rope. I expect that at some point he will come out with a statement that says that working to destroy the planet is incompatible with a state of grace – which is meaningless for the vast majority of us, but very meaningful for the remaining believers.


There was a study years ago that showed that when it comes to matters of policy, especially those that might limit our comfort in the here and now, few people have any commitment to future generations,or any ability to imagine beyond their own or perhaps their children’s generation: and that one of the measures of conscience is the ability of an individual to feel authentic concern for those not yet born.

His Holiness is clearly one of those rare souls.

What he needs to understand is that Charles Koch and his confreres among the fossil fuel, mining and extraction oligarchy are not.

For them, the whole thing is, Après nous, le déluge.

These are not stupid men: some of them are very clever indeed,

They’ve known for decades that their almost inconceivably huge wealth (hence political power) came at the expense of future generations, that oil is, ultimately, a form of mass murder, that in addition to political instability (ranging from local corruption all the way up the scale to genocide and world war) the fossil fuel sector has promoted death on an unprecedented scale, with whole species having already been wiped out and others—including our own—very much in the bullseye.

Knowing all this, they’re quite indifferent. Charles Koch, now in his eighties, and fundamentally in control of the fate of the nation (his reach into this administration, from the Vice President on down, is really quite remarkable) knows that the consequence of removing all limits from his power will be devastating for future generations.

And he does not care.

At some level, this octogenarian trust fund brat clearly reasons, If I must die one day, then why should anything or anyone be allowed to live?

That’s what His Holiness is up against: an evil and anomie so profound that even the devil weeps at the spectacle.


And the world’s energy conglomerates immediately said, “OK!”

Mr. Pope, there are no christians in government or big business, else they’d be heeding that funny little line about camels and eyes of a needle.

It is up to us.

Register people to vote. Get to the polls. We can put a stop to this.



This might be a way for the Pope to criticize EPA administrator Pruitt’s visit to the Vatican and dinner with climate denier and alleged child predator Cardinal Pell.

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At least he is doing something and he gets the opportunity to be heard eloquently speaking truth to power.


When the last nickel of oil and gas profit has been exacted, they will say “Oops!” looks like climate change was real after all. You liberal egg head scientists please save humanity and the planet, our family trust funds and third mansions in the Hamptons depend on it.


In short, sellers should not kill their customers.

As a marketing strategy that sort of makes sense.

Now … Everybody Polka!


By remarkable coincidence, I was reading this post while watching The Departed, at the very moment when Jack Nicholson recites that Irish rhyme about Mother Machree.

After reading it, impressed, I looked up to see who the author was, and it was like Nicholson read your username aloud.

Pope Francis has a science degree (Chemistry). He knows what he’s talking about on many levels.


“Can he issue a similar notice on Dotard?”

can he fit it in a tweet?

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he is a sharp individual. and a person who really cares. too bad this seems lost on alt-evangelicals.


Indisputable, NEWT.

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To many evangelicals he’s the whore of Babylon.

opps, meant to be a reply to edhedh


Thanks Pope - now if you could address the larger threat of global overpopulation I would be much obliged. It has to do with birth control, something forbidden to your version of Catholicism.
former Catholic

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As a former Catholic, you probably realize that is a bridge too far. The way I look at it, half a loaf is better than none. He’s WAAAY better than his predecessors.

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Energy experts and those who advocate fighting climate change expressed doubts before the conference that it would amount to anything other than a PR opportunity for the companies to burnish their image without making meaningful changes.


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I like Francis …

But it’s not like he was chosen and put forth by a lightning bolt … or anything –

The schmucks elect these guys …

Give me a fucking break —

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