Fuck you, Francis.
Of all the things you could talk about including children being ripped from their mothers’ arms on our borders,and the fact that Italy has been taken over by the real fascists, this is the bullshit you go with.
Everyone thinks you are some kind of exception to the usual Pope game - no you aren’t.
Papa, don’t preach. Or the few remaining Catholic women are going to desert the church.
You said it better.
This is a major disappointment considering he could have weighed in on the fact that Salvini ran down to Sicily to personally refuse the boat of refugees floating around the Mediterranean in god awful conditions while Europe argued. I’d really like to hear him say something about that goddamn fascist government in Italy.
Preach, sister! He is still an unmarried man running a medieval, authoritarian hierarchy.
And he also won’t sanction contraceptives.
You really have to love watching Ireland kick that church to the curb, finally.
Ya know, I basically like Pope Francis, but on this issue, he’s “speaking to the base”. A. Forced pregnancy and forced births are repugnant, especially given the RCC’s opposition to contaception and family planning other than abstinence. B. The Pope has no practical ideas for inreasing the surface area of our planet and creating more arable land and C. Aside from pronuncements, he has not induced many governments, including our own, to take care of the children after they are born. And instructively, the western democratic countries that do take care of their children with easy access to pre and post natal care, liberal pregnancy leave for both mothers and fathers, access to family planning, access to child care and liberal access to education, etc. are arguably, those countries that exhibit the lowest degrees of religiosity by their citizens.
It doesn’t even make sense. By definition eugenicists favor their own genes over those of other groups. Aborting a pregnancy means genes do not get passed on.
Yeas. that whole line of reasoning was dodgy. He also violated Godwin’s law.
Not the same thing at all. It’s completely different for a family to decide what’s in its best interest compared to the hideous atrocities Nazis forced on individuals. While I respect him on many issues, on this he should be ashamed.
Not that cost is the main issue, but the Catholic Church volunteer to pay the millions of dollars it takes to raise children with disabilities? You know, put their money where their mouth is. Because Republicans damn sure won’t.
Exactly. When it comes to women controlling our bodies or exercising actual power, his true colors come out.
Just another old white man telling women what to do with their bodies.
Yeah and it’s low-hanging fruit. When all else fails and you don’t want to talk about inconvenient facts, just start yowling about women. Works every time.
Hence the “What about Hillary” stuff.
Nothing like a celibate old man mansplaining women’s reproductive issues.
Not just women; young people won’t go along with this message either.- especially while Francis says nothing about ignoring the needs of living kids.
To which I say thank heavens!!! hahahaha
I was raised Catholic and tried to remain a part of the church for a long time because of their charitable works. It helped that I attended a campus parish that was really liberal. In fact, at the time of the 2008 elections, the campus priest gave a sermon about healthcare. He said he wouldn’t tell anyone how to vote, BUT if a Christian didn’t think the government should be responsible for people’s healthcare, then that Christian/Catholic better get out his checkbook and start financing care for the poor. He said anyone claiming to follow “God’s teachings” had to assume the responsibility for taking care of the sick. He was what I imagine a true clergyman should be - but, sadly, that’s not what dominates so much of organized religion.
Not only children with severe disabilities, but those who will not survive birth. To say nothing about women whose lives are endangered by childbirth.
My dad left the church because of its views on contraception and abortions. My mom had serious hemorrhaging issues when my older sister was born, and he said that if he followed the church’s view, he might have had to choose the life of my sister over the life of my mother (although he it turned out that he didn’t have to and everything was fine).
I’d rather hear Pope Francis explain the difference between the abortions that his God causes and the ones that women elect to do. God is a far bigger abortionist.