Discussion: Pope Demands 'Legitimate Redistribution' Of Wealth

Discussion for article #222581

Let the catholic church start first - as they have $Billions within the church .


I do hope this man has a food taster…


Pope Francis also said, “Specifically, this involves challenging all forms of injustices and resisting the economy of exclusion, the throwaway culture and the culture of death which nowadays sadly risk becoming passively accepted.”

Pope Francis also called for respect for life “from conception to natural death” and his denunciation of the “culture of death” echoed previous papal exhortations against abortion.

Isn’t this a deal breaker with you guys?

I could not agree more with that one 26.

Queue the attacks from FOX NEWS on how Obama has “done away with” the Pope and replaced him with a look-alike communist stooge.
“Some say…”


<-----------------More of this, please.


Why would it be a deal breaker? I don’t have to agree with everything to apprecaite and work together with someone on things we agree on in common. I can and do choose to oppose people on things we don’t agree on and support the advancement of things we do agree on. His stance on abortion, which I don’t agree with, doesn’t prevent me from working towards getting rid of the death penalty, improving the quality of environmental stewardship, and reducing income inequality and poverty. I don’t see a problem here.


The cons will be outraged, because they only believe in upward redistribution of wealth.


NO. I expect him to be against abortion. In fact almost every single pro-choice person I know is not pro-abortion And would like to see the need for them to go away completely.

And given the fact that you could care less what happens to the child after it is born and probably think the death penalty is just great and anybody on welfare is a taker. You don’t agree with the Pope on anything except abortion.


"some’ being the Fox 'reLIEable source…

I don’t know any pro-choicer who doesn’t want abortion to be “safe, legal, and rare” or simply wants there to come a day when no woman is in a position where she has to make that decision.


Exactly, I don’t agree with his stance on abortion or the death penalty or gay marriage or priests being able to marry. I don’t need to be in lock step with someone in order to admire them and wholeheartedly agree with them on many other issues. I think that’s one of the many fallacies of today’s conservatism. They honestly believe that if there’s some disagreement on one or two issues then the person is an apostate, a RINO, and should be driven out of the party.


There’s a reason the Pope has a bodyguard. And a reason some of the the Swiss Guard are equipped with more than Renaissance uniforms and pointy sticks.

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Democrats fall in love, Republicans fall in line.


“Pope Demands ‘Legitimate Redistribution’ Of Wealth.”

Club For Growth, Americans For Prosperity, and American Crossroads have already begun fundraisers to defeat Francis’ re-election bid.


Right-wing heads are exploding today. Doesn’t the Pope know he has to stick to the abortion and gay stuff and leave the poor people nonsense to Paul Ryan.


As Napoleon Bonaparte once said about another pope: “How many divisions does he have?”

When I hear this Pope speak, oddly enough the image of Richard Sherman comes to mind. Why, you ask, would that ridiculous comparison pop into my head?

Because they both are intelligent, incisive, and unafraid, and they make people who aren’t used to being challenged (in any facet of life) squirm uncomfortably when they speak. Also, neither one of them fits neatly into one of the boxes that the powers-that-be desperately want to cram them into.

We need more people that make our “elite” squirm uncomfortably by challenging them on an intellectual level that they simply cannot meet.

This is really greatly overstated. Most of the church’s wealth is in buildings, art, hospitals, etc. Stuff that either cannot be sold (Vatican art collection) or stuff that is directly tied to its religious and service mission. I get your point. But it’s very misleading.