Discussion: Pope Changes Death Penalty Teaching, Church Now Against Capital Punishment

This guy must be a real pain in the ass for the right wing christian nutjobs…

For example, my father is deeply conflicted over this pope which brings no end of amusement for me…

And yes, you may infer that my 80+ y.o. father is a bit of a RWNJ…


Year 33 of our Lord - Jesus, “the Christ” submits to capital punishment, by hanging on a wooden cross until dead.

…after nearly 2,000 years of “Christianity”…

Year 2018 of our Lord - Jesus’ “representative on earth” declares capital punishment is wrong.

Thank God for the Catholic Church, huh? They’re really on top of things, ain’t they.

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Right wing sites have already been spreading fake news that the majority of Roman Catholics in the United States do not support the Pope. [In March of this year, polls showed the Pope had 84% support]

I first checked into this about a month ago when someone I know that’s a contemporary of your father (man, 80+, gets his ‘news’ from FOX) told me that the Pope had lost his supporters in the US because of his ‘liberal’ views.

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