Discussion: Pompeo: US Still Working On Being 'Fully Prepared' For NK Summit In June

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Pompeo says the State Department and White House are continuing to make sure they are “fully prepared” for a summit

Oh, so Donald isn’t going then, Mike?


I was riding the elliptical and nothing else was on the cables except this BS.

Key point I took, and have repeated ad nauseam, is Sec Pompus said that China “historically assisted” in the N Korea summit, et.al., and he repeated that statement. Trump will fire his ass tomorrow for not getting the Nobel.

(there was a bunch of other crap about Iran “firing missiles at Riyadh”, i.e., being a bad hombre for arming the Houthis, just like the US did with the Taliban against the Russians, invading Iraq under false pretenses, or even the Vietnam War, but give the guy a pass. He is rock and rolling!)


Donald Trump preparing for the NK Summit …

Followed by intense preparation …


Wanna bet that they simply take this summit behind the woodshed for that Ol’ Yellar moment?

It might have to do with the observation that the only type of preparation that Trump is familar with is H…

Watching Trump trying to “diplomatize” is like watching a version of VEEP where the characters are even more venal, stupid and egotistical.


Now they just look pathetic. How long you gonna stand at the altar, you gullible cucks?

Oh look, Tiny Orange Hands can’t do the finger-crossy thing all the way…


Here is a quote from an article over at Slate that says it all

Though he’s young and a barbaric dictator, he’s no idiot; he’s been out in the world, having been educated at a Swiss boarding school; he has been the driving force behind his country’s success in assembling a nuclear arsenal. And when it comes to nuclear weapons, studiousness is a family tradition. When his father, Kim Jong-il, met with President Clinton’s secretary of state, Madeleine Albright, in 2000, to hammer out a possible treaty to bar North Korea from building ballistic missiles, Albright’s staff members—who attended the meeting—were stunned that Kim had mastered every detail and could discuss them without consulting his own aides.

Do you think for a moment that Junior is not up to speed?


“US Still Working On Being ‘Fully Prepared’ For NK Summit.”

Trump “fully prepared” for a foreign trip?

So he’s packing the rubber sheets.

And taking Dr. Tremens with his little bag of penicillin bonbons.

(“Don’t forget to smile for the KompromatCam™, Mr. Dennison!”)