Discussion: Pompeo Says He'll Turn Over Docs On Alleged Political Retaliation At State

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“Just as soon as we can “sanitize” the documents and find out who the “leakers” are!” Pompeo is really full of crap, isn’t he? Fits right in with the rest of the Cabinet of Deplorables.


As we all witness the spectacle of what’s happening to our country, it is very important to note that to the people currently occupying the White House, and who are supported by the entirety of the GOP/RNC, there is no distinction between the meanings of the words “political” and “criminal.” Any counterintelligence investigation into the criminals who infiltrated the T rump campaign is, by their definition, political retaliation. Therefore, this administration and their supporters will use political retaliation to achieve their criminal objectives. Crime and politics are the same thing to these folks. There is no distinction.


Pompeo promises the check is in the mail, he won’t cum in your mouth and he’ll turn over the documents.

Next from Pompeo: Bridge sales and seaside timeshares in Oklahoma.


Promises from sycophants mean nothing.

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And I am sure they will be heavily redacted, which translates to 8 1/2" x 11" sheets of black paper.

As much as I want to be or to sound positive, the more I see a complete tyrannical takeover. Pompeo’s upbeat personality is just that, personality. He is as deplorable as the rest of them. If this takeover succeeds it will be the citizens fault. I think that we are just too compliant when we should be in the streets protesting every day until he resigns, but we are not. The orange is systematically destroying this country. Look what he’s doing to the justice department!! While questioning practices is OK, he’s destroying it because they are responding to conspiracy theories. Unbelievable!!! Being a history fan (WWII in particular) the orange’s takeover is modeled on Hitler almost 100%. Few people resisted until it was too late.