“The Russians have been at this a long time and I fully expect they’ll continue to be at it,” Pompeo said.
Since this been going on for “a long time” this badministration sees no need to make any attempts to change what is apparently an accepted practice.
It’s “tradition” now, says the Fiddler on the Roof…
And we have a president who’s scared shitless of them.
“I have every expectation that they will continue to try and do that,” Pompeo said. “But I am confident that America will be able to have a free and fair election, that we’ll push back in a way that is sufficiently robust, that the impact that they will have on our election won’t be great.”
Asked if he had to walk a “fine line” given the President’s dismissal of investigations into Russian meddling in the 2016 election as “fake news,” Pompeo said “I don’t do fine lines. I do the truth.”
“I do the truth”
like truthfully not doing anything since the last election to mitigate foreign influence in the elections
I like to ask myself, what would the reaction have been if Mexico had assisted Hillary in 2016 only fractionally as much as russia assisted tRUmp and Hillary had won? Mexico is a neighbor and friend, russia not so much
Perhaps this is the same meaning of “do” that mafia dons use when they suggest someone be terminated.
It’s just like the common cold: You gotta let it run its course, go to bed and drink plenty of fluids (in this case of the alcoholic variety).
I think I’m keeping at least three breweries in business
Especially when it helps Republicans
"“I have every expectation that they will continue to try and do that,”
Forgive me for thinking outside the box here, but could that perhaps be BECAUSE THEY HAVEN’T STOPPED YET?
Talking about this as though it’s election-oriented in a temporal manner is stupid and dangerous. This is an ONGOING problem and has gone on without surcease EVERY SINGLE DAY THAT TRUMP HAS BEEN IN OFFICE. Putin is actively helping the GOP to turn this country into an autocratic banana republic on behalf of the GOP, who all deeply DEEPLY envy Putin’s ability to control all aspects of Russian government and culture.
Also, fuck Mike Pompeo. Fuck him hard and deep.
“But, hey, but we don’t give sh*t because they’ll tilt everything in our direction again…”
When the GOP loses in fall, it’ll all be down to “Russian interference” and there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth and rending of clothes. And everything will be called into question.
The Russians will continue as long as Putin’s puppet is in the White House.
Somebody ask Pompeo about how the Russians assisted the GOP in various House races in 2016… ask him about how this administration is looking the other way at the bot farms that have been used to amplify #releasethememo nonsense. The lack of follow-up questions is maddening.
In that case, elect me to Congress in November and I’ll be your Devin Nunes.
HAHAHAHAHAHA…“I don’t do fine lines. I do the truth.” Oh BS.
Pompeo is like the bank “guard” in that Lifelock commercial. This administration has done literally nothing to harden the system against direct hacking of state returns, which is, of course, the same thing as actively abetting them.
Meanwhile, Trump is above 50% in states with 65 electoral votes. He is below 40% in states with 261 electoral votes (one of them is Texas!). In the rest of the states, constituting 212 electoral votes, he’s below 50%. Given that “electoral votes” = “number of house seats+2,” that’s kind of significant.
Of the eight red states with a Senate seat in the 2018 race, Trump is above 50% in only two: Tennessee and Wyoming. He is below 50% in Nevada, Arizona, Utah, Nebraska and Mississippi. I hate overuse of exclamation points, but, yeah, that, and the fact that he’s below 40% in Texas, that’s a !
And my sense is that this is baked in. They will do a bit better than they should because of gerrymandering, voter suppression and the four hundred million dollars the Kochtopus Empire has committed to airdrop to try to convince the serfs that they got a tax cut or their betters have given them a bonus because of the tax cut. And, of course, because many Democratic leaners will just find sacrificing a few hours to save the Republic from certain doom to just be too big a bother. I do not expect a six seat pickup in the Senate because in some of these states, the idea of voting for a Democrat is so outre, so unimaginable, so utterly beyond the realm of the possible in the voters’ minds that I expect a lot of the voters will do a gold medal mental floor exercise to sever the Trump-hugging Senate candidate from Trump. But two is baked in, four is possible.
Check my math:
And I say this because, if we don’t take back both houses, at a minimum, it’s going to be Vlad’s doing.
EV = House seats + Senate seats + n.
Where n is a function of how many electors the least populated state has (see the 23rd Amendment).
The current value of n is 3 (based on Wyoming’s 2 Senate seats and 1 House seat).
Thus, currently, EV = 538.
[quote=“ncsteve, post:16, topic:67948”]
many Democratic leaners will just find sacrificing a few hours to save the Republic from certain doom to just be too big a bother.[/quote]
This is one place we can make a difference.
Pish posh. Until the day comes that we decide the Great Empty States deserve more than one representative, DC will always have three.
That does raise this fascinating historical factlet, however:
The blue states ratified the 23d, the orange one rejected it, the sky blue ones ratified after it had already passed.
“I have every expectation that they will continue to try and do that,” Pompeo said. “But I am confident that America will be able to have a free and fair election, that we’ll push back in a way that is sufficiently robust, that the impact that they will have on our election won’t be great.”
He touts his love for Americans and their abilities to discern the truth when inundated with hyperbole and propaganda during an election year, says one who owes everything he has to Charles and David. The Kochs have pledged in excess of $400 million to influence the outcomes of the 2018 midterms. Why have the Russians do it when we can dupe the American people ourselves?