Discussion: Pompeo: China Is Engaging In 'Predatory Economics 101' Amid Trade Tensions

and the Trump Administration is practicing “How to Give Everything Away to the Russians 101” Amid Kompromat Tensions

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Remember the adage: Everything Trump touches, dies.

The economy and trade were doing fine riding the trends that started with Obama.

Trump has now touched the economy and trade. Death - or near-death experiences - are all but a certainty.


Hey Secretary… does this worry you just the teensyist?

How does it feel to slowly have your soul sucked out of you? And to know that you are helping to suck the soul out of our country?


Lemme see … His boss started an ill-advised trade war that’s “easy to win” and now he’s upset that all of the targeted countries aren’t rolling over.

I’m sure all of the industries and farmers bankrupted by his policies will be most understanding.



*“Make America Great My Ass”
(h/t George Takei)


That’s twice you were able to quickly un embed the graphic (or in the other case the letter). T/Y.

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Hey Mike do you realize that it’s probably some of the same businesses you were speaking to that are responsible for moving plants to china to take advantage of cheap labor, and lax pollution and safety regulations. I thinking you know, but just don’t care.


Pompous is very stupid besides being an arrogant coward. Remember his laughable demands of Iran when many of those “demands” were not only already in place but others were just plain impossible. This is the perfect loser for the Trump losing team.

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Excellent question.

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No, he’s not stupid.