Discussion: Polygamous Sect Leaders Face Food Stamp Fraud Charges

Perhaps you could try using sarcasm filters when reading the stuff written in this comment section… :smile:

I am a victim of Poe’s Law.

Mondf… My sarcasm filter doesn’t help me understand your comment. Are you familiar with “Under the Banner of Heaven”, or Carolyn Jessup’s “Escape”? I don’t think the comparison you’re trying to make fits the situation. I don’t mean to imply that Co City women are not party to this system, just don’t understand why you chose to place the blame there. I don’t think that they hold much control.

A women born into a cult and one born into extreme poverty face terrible odds against escaping, worse the things they need to do in order to survive (ie having sex with power that be, cult leader, ranking gang member) produces outcomes that makes it even harder to get away.

However, the white girl born into the cult deserves sympathy, but the black born in the hopeless ghetto somehow only deserves scorn.