I’m a glass half empty kinda guy, but those support numbers are WAY too high. Another episode of DaFUQ is wrong with 40 percent of this country? I’m guessing a question like, “would you support Trump’s strangling of your family pet and shitting on your face?” would get above 30 percent.
Slim to none
No teleprompter = Foot in mouth disease
Me too. It’s just the next state south of me, and I’d love to take a long, satisfying piss there.
I read a story on Rawstory this morning. A Canadian told Trudeau he’d keep him in beer for life if Trudeau will just shove Trump off a cliff.
LIMFT … Let’s Impeach the Mother Fucker Today!
O god yes! Can we please?
Lots of presidential non-activity today. No mention of when he’s having lunch and with whom, but finally back at the WH at 8:05 p.m. after this exhausting day.
Betcha there’s a lot of fuming going on in all that “executive” time.
and what are the chances that any of his supporters will care?
So last night during the 10:00 news, channel 8 sent a reporter down to McAllen and she was standing at the border crossing when they went to her and they asked: how are things down there. And she said: Quiet as usual. I mean nothing was going on. This was as they reported about the “emergency” and “crisis” at the border.
It was hilarious.
And I expect the lawsuits are already written with just a few blanks to be filled in.
The so-called round table discussion will be full of folks thanking POTUS and no one who opposes the wall will be represented.
True, memories are short. But this admin is so in your face and consumes so much space in media and on the air, even in my very blue city his name comes up in most conversations daily. Also so much attention paid to the folly of shutting down the government, I think past models on the effect of voters might be very different and ultimately damaging to Rs.
A sticking point because it is concise.
Some detail regarding the " caveats " of the PPP polling. First PPP is a Dem outfit out of NC but 538 only shows them with a Dem bias of .3%. 538 also has a B rating for PPP which is good. During the 2014 election cycle PPP was one of the most accurate pollsters. Also 538 has in recent days shown a slow decline in Spankys favorability rating which is down to 41%. They have also shown a slow uptick in Spankys unfavorable rating which they now have at 53.9%. Just some context but so far it is looking like this shutdown thing is not going well for Spanky.
MSNBC talkers have suggested he only cares about the fight for a wall, and not necessarily getting to actually building a wall, a barrier, or whatever he’s calling for. Fights and all the agita that goes along with it play well for his base.
By the way in case anyone cares I figured out when America was Great. America was Great when Obama was president.
Thanks for this.
The shutdown is on McConnell.