Discussion: Polls Show Colorado Senate Race Swinging Toward GOP's Gardner

Discussion for article #228791

So yeah, the dude’s hair is impressive…almost like if a high wind struck it at the right angle, Bernoulli’s principle would rip his head off.


Look at that phony fucking piece of shit. He’s like a caricature of a politician.

Here’s hoping for aggressive ass cancer.

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Why? Does he have anything to offer?

What’s wrong with Udall?

Or is this that 'likely voters=white male Republicans" kind of poll?

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Folks, I really think democracy is dying. When half the country remain so uneducated, ill-informed, and just plain deluded that they continue to elect the very people who will hurt them the most, oligarchy will follow.

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The DP poll shows gardner leading Udall among Hispanics, and the High Point poll has a Latino electorate at 6% of the total, about half of the projected turnout (10% in 2010, 14% in 2012), and with a Udall 52-31 lead ( Bennet got 81%, Obama 75%) . Unless Udall has done something I’m unaware of to piss off Latinos, these numbers look far from realistic.

The difference isn’t enough to put Udall ahead, and the state is a true toss-up with an underwater incumbent ( never good), but nearly all polling in CO for the last three cycles has underestimated the Dems strength in statewide elections.

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Can anybody tell me why Udall became so unpopular - or have the GOPERs done a good job of thrashing him. I would think his name alone has to be worth a lot. Anybody know what happened with Udall?

As it has for the last several cycles, it will come down to the larger, metro Denver-Boulder-Fort Collins vote vs. the rest of the more rural state. Even within the metro area, there is a strong pocket of very right wing republicans (see recent AP History stories). Udall’s campaign has been almost entirely based on hammering Gardner on his extreme pro-life/personhood positions (there is ANOTHER personhood amendment on the ballot this year) and very little on his actual accomplishments or vision for the next 6 years. To be honest, I’m not sure that it would really matter, given the intense partisanship here in the state. Turnout, turnout, turnout.