Discussion for article #228791
So yeah, the dude’s hair is impressive…almost like if a high wind struck it at the right angle, Bernoulli’s principle would rip his head off.
Look at that phony fucking piece of shit. He’s like a caricature of a politician.
Here’s hoping for aggressive ass cancer.
Why? Does he have anything to offer?
What’s wrong with Udall?
Or is this that 'likely voters=white male Republicans" kind of poll?
Folks, I really think democracy is dying. When half the country remain so uneducated, ill-informed, and just plain deluded that they continue to elect the very people who will hurt them the most, oligarchy will follow.
The DP poll shows gardner leading Udall among Hispanics, and the High Point poll has a Latino electorate at 6% of the total, about half of the projected turnout (10% in 2010, 14% in 2012), and with a Udall 52-31 lead ( Bennet got 81%, Obama 75%) . Unless Udall has done something I’m unaware of to piss off Latinos, these numbers look far from realistic.
The difference isn’t enough to put Udall ahead, and the state is a true toss-up with an underwater incumbent ( never good), but nearly all polling in CO for the last three cycles has underestimated the Dems strength in statewide elections.
Can anybody tell me why Udall became so unpopular - or have the GOPERs done a good job of thrashing him. I would think his name alone has to be worth a lot. Anybody know what happened with Udall?
As it has for the last several cycles, it will come down to the larger, metro Denver-Boulder-Fort Collins vote vs. the rest of the more rural state. Even within the metro area, there is a strong pocket of very right wing republicans (see recent AP History stories). Udall’s campaign has been almost entirely based on hammering Gardner on his extreme pro-life/personhood positions (there is ANOTHER personhood amendment on the ballot this year) and very little on his actual accomplishments or vision for the next 6 years. To be honest, I’m not sure that it would really matter, given the intense partisanship here in the state. Turnout, turnout, turnout.