Discussion: Poll: Walker Losing To Dem Opponent Among Likely Voters

Discussion for article #226937

Dear Great State of Wisconsin,

Please drop-kick this bum into the cheap seats.

Best regards


My recollection is that they polled the recall election pretty dead on while others were all over the map. I might be wrong about that.

Add to this the new Gallup data that shows clearly that low Congressional approval ratings translate into high voter turn-out.

This isn’t going to be a Republican wave election—unless you count the GOP’s political drowning in a wave of voter turn-out.


The Marquette poll is very reliable. The school has good academic standards as well, having refused a degree to Gov Walker.


The fact that Walker even polls that high is scary.


Poll dancing must pay well…

Excellent. The fact that this asshole ever got elected in my home state still amazes me.

C’mon, Wisconsin - you are so much better than that.


I live in Madison and I’ve met Mary Burke and Scott Walker.

She: Energetic, lively, fun.

He: Dull, boring, and did I mention boring?

She’s going to stomp his dopey-ass in the debates.


This race shouldn’t be that close. Are voters in Wisconsin drinking from the same cesspool of toxic water as voters in TX and FL? Go Burkes!

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No, it isn’t. I’m sure Burkes will come through. My husband and I donated to her campaign, and we are not in Wisconsin.


Just wait until AFTER Labor Day when the Koch ads REALLY get going in Wisconsin.
They are going to FLOOD the airways (TV and Radio) with up to $10 Million in ads to keep governor knee-pads in office, with coordinated (wink, wink) ads from many other Reich-Wing PACs and shady fly-by-night 504c groups.
It is going to get very, very ugly in Wisconsin for the next two months.


Watch the rawe narrow more and more and more the closer we get to Election Day.

You want to take Republican down? Stand for something. We saw it with Obamacare (Thanlks for the catchy name, by the way) you’ll see it here.

All it takes is guts.

The Koch brothers are paying for votes.

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Yeah, I live in WI and we’ve seen all that before. Problem is that in the area I live in they keep electing people like Glen Grothman. Not exactly anything close to independent thinkers.

Marquette didn’t actually refuse him a degree. Walker dropped out during his senior year after being caught violating ethics rules during his campaign for student council president.

Once a lying asshole, always a lying asshole.

OMG - The Republicans are going to lose their most brilliant, if not corrupt, candidate for President. By this time next year it will be Teddy Cruz with Ryan as VP. I’m sure they will take Mississippi and Oklahoma.