Discussion: Poll: Vast Majority Of Republicans Don't Believe Obama Loves America

Discussion for article #233659

These are the same people who don’t believe in evolution or climate change. I mean really, these are people who should not be allowed sharp objects, machinery or anything more complicated than a cup o’soup.




First of all it’s a biullshit poll and we know republicans are mostly stupid. Yawnnn


Only 11% of GOTP members would NOT call President Obama a ni(clang).


11%? Not bad considering perhaps 0.2% understand meaning of America.


That’s got to be the stupidest poll on the stupidest issue I’ve ever heard. John McCain admitted he hated America and no one batted an eye. George Bush loved America and look what he did to it. Let’s get serious.


Red state Dems : do you now see how futile it is to try to pander to conservative voters in your state? You’ll never get their vote, so stop bothering to try. Run as a Democrat, not a pseudo-tea partier.


Can I love your comment a thousand times? Consider it done


This is not too bad…

If I were being whipped into a frenzy daily by Talk Radio and FOX

If I were lied to daily by the MSM

If I were self-motivated to only associate on a meaningful level with like minded people

If I were ministered by people for whom “Christianity” is fast becoming an arm of the Republican Party

I guess I would even believe that Emiliano Zapata was a Communist if I chose to be exposed to the above.

My wife reserves her greatest scorn for what is left of the Fourth Estate, which has long ago simply turned into another Corporate Entertainment Industry (sort of like Mickey Mouse).

It is they who are overwhelmingly responsible for what we see today. Hands Down.


I hated Bush, absolutely hated the man. Still, I believe he loves America. I think he was egregiously wrong on just about everything, particularly foreign policy, but I never questioned whether or not he loves his country. This is just another, “he’s not really one of us” line of attack.


Poll: Vast Majority Of Republicans Don’t Believe Obama Loves America

This is merely further evidence that Republican voters are ignorant, superstitious, spiteful, mean, fearful and wrong.


I don’t actually care if Obama, or any president, “loves America.” The only thing I care about is if they abide by the oath to which they swore when they took office.

Loving America isn’t a job qualification.


“Poll finds 89% of Republicans susceptible to conservative Jedi mind-trick, no matter how innane.”


Two things I found interesting in the recent PPP poll of conservative voters:

“The struggles (Jeb) Bush is having with some Republican primary voters don’t seem to have anything to do with his brother’s legacy. George W. Bush has a 74/21 favorability rating with them, and the closest any of this year’s candidates get to that is a 56% favorability for Mike Huckabee. And the former President has plenty of credibility with conservatives - among those rating themselves as ‘very conservative’ his favorability is 81/14 compared to his brother’s 37/43.”

And this:

“Republican voters nationally actually have one elected official they like better than any of their potential choices for President- Benjamin Netanyahu has a 57% favorability rating.  Huckabee at 56%, Carson at 54%, and Walker at 51% come closest but none of them are liked by as many voters in their party base as the Israeli Prime Minister.”

Here is the link: http://www.publicpolicypolling.com/main/2015/02/walker-breaks-out-in-national-gop-race.html

I guess this is why we can’t have nice things.


Online poll?

Excuse me while I LMFAO.


Don’t dismiss Mickey Mouse (Disney) out of hand. They own ABC and ESPN.

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Poll: “A vast majority of Republicans don’t believe that America is located on the same planet as everyone else!”


First, the headline is misleading: the poll says it has a margin of error of 4.1, so the likelihood is that only 6.9 percent of Repubs believe Obama loves America. Eleven percent seemed a little high to me.

Second, though, we now have an important piece of information: somewhere between 7 and 11 percent of Republicans don’t depend on Fox for their news.

These aren’t the health plans you’re looking for. You can go about your business. Move along…