Discussion: Poll: Trump's Numbers Haven't Improved Since Mueller Ended Investigation

Shit, I coulda told you that the second I saw the ridiculous piece of shit. Barr did what he was hired to do but he did it transparently badly.

If the Supreme Court tosses the ACA, then the House would have to decide whether or not to compromise with the GOP Senate for crumbs or to fight tooth and nail by holding up something that both the Senate and Trump actually want.

Being able to block something is not the same as being able to pass something. We need control of the House, the Senate and the Presidency.


Well the good news is that most of the people believe that Trump is a racist, conman, cheat.


I was thinking the same thing…a re-Mote possibility ?

And his supporters love him for it. As long as they think that he is taking actions that at least move towards their preferred goals (including hating and punishing all of the right people), they will continue to support him. To them, the ends really do justify the means.

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I went to lunch with a friend the other day, and he was wearing a T-shirt that read: “Bigfoot saw me, but no one would believe him.”

For many of these ideas, as well as the x-files like obsession with conspiracies and aliens, there are deeply psychological forces at work (rather than supernatural ones). The idea of ghosts is a complicated one, as many people just want something to confirm the idea of an afterlife (for themselves and their loved ones), but for a lot of it people just want something to take them out of the mundane nature of our day to day existence.

They might still find a way to blame a crashing economy on Obama, or the fact that the Democrats got control of the House. For stupid people, they are remarkably clever in twisting arguments to fit their own world view.

That’s really stuck out to me, too. Good sportsmanship is touted as a basic American value in elementary schools across the country. Since nobody in Camp Trump has ever learned to be gracious in both victory and defeat, they’re showing themselves as the Sore Winners they are. Americans dislike Sore Winners even more than we dislike Sore Losers.


I’m humbled. You’re far more gracious than I.


I also boggle over the childish manner being exhibited. Kelly Anne’s remarks singularly come off as both unsophisticated and lacking underlying maturity. Sarah is not far behind her. Where I expect hardened evil, I see a bunch of trash talking teens in junior high trying to be cool. Even now I am surprised at it. If they think they are leveraging with their base, it reflects badly on the base. Maybe it works, but it is still has a limited shelf life.

Well he thinks he’s off the hook so he’s starting to do all the dumb shit he was holding off of because he thinks he now has free rein.

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