“We have never in my lifetime seen a president who has been so maligned and attacked and vilified,” Olson said.
The Oval Office has never had such a massive asshole in it before. Rumor has it there’s a upcoming name change for the remainder of America’s most miserable trumpian experience to the Rectal Office.
I have no problem advising the 34% to move to russia already if they want a putin type president, Steven Segal might be looking for a following over there.
My father says he polled the guys he drinks coffee with every morning at the donut place and they all support President Trump 110%, so clearly these polls are wrong.
If the furloughed workers file for unemployment benefits like Gavin Newsom encouraged them to do, it would spike the unemployment numbers and the market would have a bad reaction to that.
Trump would bear the brunt of the blame.
It’s so puzzling that Republicans make it plain that they want to cut and dismantle Social Security and Medicare, yet the biggest senior lobbyist group the AARP is completely silent, and a majority of seniors are ready to keep voting GOP no matter what!
NickDanger says polls are meaningless if they aren’t taken six days from whenever he’s talking to you. And he’s a statistician, he says, so he knows poll stuff you don’t even know so there.
How to put this without offending our hosts here—it might increase their longevity. Theory I’m working on. But you have to be really committed to your trolling, obviously.
Yep, it’s also where having absolutely no one on your staff who has ever struggled financially comes back to bite you in the ass too. These people literally have no concept of the pain they’ve caused millions of people with this shutdown. It’s also not going to be pain that will go away with a stroke of a pen. Some will take months or years to recover and some never will.