Discussion: Poll: Trump Retains Support In North Carolina In Part Due To Islamaphobaia

Discussion for article #243565

What a piece of work is a Trump supporter! How inept in reason! How inadequate in faculty! In form, in moving, how clumsy and detestable! In action how like an serpent! In apprehension how like a dog! The ugliness of the world! The nadir of humankind!

[With apologies to The Bard.]

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I think that Trump’s comments are deplorable. However, the issue of how we protect against lone terrorists abusing our visa policies is still a relevant one.

A good model might be similar to one the Red Cross uses to screen blood donors. Individuals who have traveled to regions that have endemic disease such as mad cow disease, malaria, ebola etc in the preceding N years cannot donate blood.

Similarly, I suspect we should require individuals from visa-exempt countries who have travelled to terrorism endemic regions of countries like Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Somalia, Pakisatan, Syria etc. in the preceding X years to obtain a visa. We should also share terrorism watch lists with all of our allies and arrive at informed visa decisions – I suspect some of this is already in place. The female San Bernadino terrorist came in on a spousal visa – this is a tough one.

Apparently, the bill passed by congress this week exempts visitors with potentially terroristic connections from Saudi Arabia and Pakisatan from visa scrutiny. These two countries are the biggest exporters of and epicenters for the most barbaric forms of wahabbi sunni terrorism in the world.