Discussion: Poll: Trump Gets Low Energy Approval For His Foreign Policy Approach

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At least the Afghan war is about to finish… and the winners are: The Taliban!!!

Seems ridiculous, but after 17 years, and who knows how many trillions of dollars, the most advanced military couldn’t defeat a militia of goat herders and poppy growers. Maybe the US should limit itself to invading places like Grenada and Panama.

The real losers here are the Afghan women and the defense contractors.


Fifty-five percent of Americans consider militant extremist groups to be very or extremely concerning

In the last 15 years, how many non-military Americans die each year at the hands of ‘militant extremist groups’ vs. lone unbalanced white men with access to oodles of weaponry?



Oink oink piglet has the same dwindling support from the 1/3 of voters and dropping…

It doesn’t help when he exposes who he works for against the Nation and Americans

Putin piglet exposed…


Maybe Donnie should try a “Taco Bowl Summit?” Just sayin’.

Thank you, Richard Cleaveland. I’ll be placing your comments in the circular file.

I mean, really. Why do they ask these people anything? Fuck equal time. They just pollute the conversation.


How did they find 6% of Democrats who approve of ANYTHING trump is doing?


Agreed, and if reporters insist on quoting these people, then they should at least bother to correct them on the record when they repeat some obvious lies/misinformation.


They’re like the 7% of Republicans who don’t support Trump. They are either on life support or they are under institutional care.


Amen. Nothing offensive about followup questions like But Kim Jong Un hasn’t denuclearised. How do you feel about that?


Yes, but it’s sort of inevitable, Anyone who ever conquered Afghanistan, starting with A. T. Great, soon wished that he hadn’t. Afghanistan is where empires go to die. Lessons of history and all that stuff.


Here in the Cumberland Valley,just West of Harrisburg,when you talk with Republican’s who have traveled to Europe they talk about how grand their rail service and many other services are.

If you say we could have that here,you get “No way”.


The deal they are cutting now with the Taliban, is something that they could have done in 2017, 2009 or even a better one in 2003 when the Taliban was much weaker.

Let’s see how much history repeats itself. When the Soviets withdrew, they left a Pro-Soviet Afghan government in charge, with quickly collapsed. The Americans are leaving a pro-American government in place, lets see how long that one lasts. One thing is for sure, the Americans will be gone, but the fighting will remain, that’s the way afghans like it, they been at it non stop for 41 years now.


Of course that’ll be how it “ends”. That was the stupidity of this war from Day 1.

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You’re forgetting about American exceptionalism. This time it will be different…


When you try to rule people who don’t want to be ruled (or to be more nuanced, people who are inclined to feel ruled rather than buying into the idea of the government you envision), they’ll probably out-stubborn you in the end.

Because at the end of the day, who’s got the greater stake in the game: the guy in Kabul who tries to declare he controls some remote mountain valley, or the guy who lives in it?

Richard Cleaveland, a 65-year-old truck driver from Ogden, Utah,
 disagrees and wholeheartedly backs Trump and his foreign policy.

Wishing a visit from the Bird of Paradise …

For some reason, my link to TPM got re-routed to the New York Times, apparently, for yet another “Cletus Safari.” I better look into that.

One possible way to differentiate between the two sites: instead of classifying someone as a “Trumpov supporter who still supports him,” you might save “ink” by substituting the word “moron.”

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I know they love his racism and sexism. They adore the tax cuts and deregulation - but how can 76% of republicans approve of alienating our white european allies and cuddling up to North Korea, China, and Saudi Arabia instead? It don’t make no sense.

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